Sunday Funday!!
Dooner, Arobb, Jason and I did a clean ladder with a 5 second hold at the bottom. Dooner and I started at 135 pounds and went up 10 pounds every minute. I got 265 and stood up with it after 5 seconds. I missed 275 and thought I broke my whole body. 275 is my one rep max so 265 with hold was pretyy good today. We did a comp wod after that with Airdyne and Rowing. BLAH!!!!
I am using this Blog to document my Running and Adventures. This will be document my workouts and what I am doing to get better and be prepared. I hope this helps and entertains you.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
12 Days of Christmas
We had about 25 people at 9:15 to do this workout today.
1 Muscle Up (sub C2B Pullup)
2 Box Jumps (30/24)
3 HSPUs (sub pushup)
4 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
5 Ring Dips
6 Toes to bar
7 Deadlifts(135/93)
8 WBS (20/14)
9 Burpees
10 OH Lunges (45/25)
11 Slam Balls (30/20)
12 Front Squats (135/93)
My time wasn't that great at 36:23. My right shoulder has been hurting pretty bad and I was really feeling it on the HSPU. My first long wod in awhile. Lungs didn't give out like I thought, but I was taking it slow because of my shoulder.
1 Muscle Up (sub C2B Pullup)
2 Box Jumps (30/24)
3 HSPUs (sub pushup)
4 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
5 Ring Dips
6 Toes to bar
7 Deadlifts(135/93)
8 WBS (20/14)
9 Burpees
10 OH Lunges (45/25)
11 Slam Balls (30/20)
12 Front Squats (135/93)
My time wasn't that great at 36:23. My right shoulder has been hurting pretty bad and I was really feeling it on the HSPU. My first long wod in awhile. Lungs didn't give out like I thought, but I was taking it slow because of my shoulder.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Some Squats
Did some Squats with Emery and Ed today.
Back Squat:
320x1 pr high bar (yolo)
Front Squat
300x0 (Fail)
Felt good about this until we weighed after and Emery weighs 35 pounds less.
Muse out!!
Back Squat:
320x1 pr high bar (yolo)
Front Squat
300x0 (Fail)
Felt good about this until we weighed after and Emery weighs 35 pounds less.
Muse out!!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Clean and Jerk PR
Feeling pretty good today so decided to do competitor wod 1 for this week.
A) 10 minutes get a heavy clean and jerk. Do not have to squat.
B) 1 clean and jerk every 45 seconds for 9 minutes
C) 7 minute AMRAP of 3 clean and jerks (185) and 6 Burpee Box Jump (24")
A) 260 (5# PR). I did a power clean. I have gone wider with my hands on the bar and it has helped my jerk a lot.
B) I used 205 pounds and had no missed.
C) 5 rounds.
After that I went to the Endurance class. We did 10 minute EMOM of 3 touch and goes power cleans at 185.
I did 2 rounds of 530 meter run with a 3 minute rest in between.
1:48 and 1:47.
I will put my ACO Blog up soon.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
All Cities Open starts tomorrow in Dallas. This will be my second Master's Competition and I ACO is one of my favorite events to do every year. First event is Friday night at 5:30 and will be a Ruck, distance we don't know yet.
Been hurting a little lately and want to say thanks to Darren Risley and Morgan Nichols at Airrosti for getting me ready this weekend.
Been hurting a little lately and want to say thanks to Darren Risley and Morgan Nichols at Airrosti for getting me ready this weekend.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday Workout and 13.4 on Monday
I have been feeling a little something in my shoulder so I haven't been going to crazy lately. Sunday I did a tasty little number.
10 Rounds of each
Even Minutes: 15 Seconds of Max Rowing
Odd Minutes: 15 Seconds Of Max DB Thrusters (40 LBS)
I averaged about 105 Meters and got 8 Thrusters every time.
Monday we redid 13.4 from last years CrossFit Games Open.
This wod was pretty bad for me last year and I was looking forward to doing it again. Last year this workout pretty much kept me winning the CrossFit Games.
7 Minute AMRAP
3 Clean and Jerks + 3 Toes to Bar
6 C&J + 6 T2B
9 C&J + 9 T2B
Last Year I got 75 Reps (Finished round of 12 and got 15 C&J)
Today I got 84 Reps (9 Toes to Bar)
I will probably win the Games this year. NBD
Here is a video from our last newsletter. Fun Announcement at the end!!
10 Rounds of each
Even Minutes: 15 Seconds of Max Rowing
Odd Minutes: 15 Seconds Of Max DB Thrusters (40 LBS)
I averaged about 105 Meters and got 8 Thrusters every time.
Monday we redid 13.4 from last years CrossFit Games Open.
This wod was pretty bad for me last year and I was looking forward to doing it again. Last year this workout pretty much kept me winning the CrossFit Games.
7 Minute AMRAP
3 Clean and Jerks + 3 Toes to Bar
6 C&J + 6 T2B
9 C&J + 9 T2B
Last Year I got 75 Reps (Finished round of 12 and got 15 C&J)
Today I got 84 Reps (9 Toes to Bar)
I will probably win the Games this year. NBD
Here is a video from our last newsletter. Fun Announcement at the end!!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Some Sunday workouts.
Turned up my rucking today. I did three laps around our block (530 meters each lap). The first lap I had my ruck on and dragged a sled with a 45 pound plate (time was 5:30). The second lap was I dropped off the sled and just ran with the ruck (time was 3:20). Last lap I took off the ruck and ran hard (time was 2:32). I think this will be my last ruck before the competition next Friday night. I can feel the wear and tear on my body from just the small amount of rucking I have done. I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. Blah.
I worked on some 3 position power clean after the ruck and tried to go as heavy as I could go. I went from high hang/above knee/below knee. My heaviest set was at 235 pounds and did multiple sets at 185 to work on form.
Feeling pretty beat up this last week. Will have to train smart for the next few weeks.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
CrossFit McAlester
Mai is from McAlester and we went down there for Thanksgiving and did a workout at the new gym CrossFit McAlester. Mai was very excited to hear a crossfit gym was going to open in her home town so we got up early Thanksgiving morning and worked out with a few of the owners and friends.
Workout was a 20 minute AMRAP of:
15 wall balls (20 lb)
10 KBS (70 lb)
5 Burpess Muscle-ups
I got 7.5 rounds and felt pretty strong all the way through the 20 minutes.
We are very excited for the new gym and they are having their grand opening in about a month. We hope to go and celebrate with them.
Muse out.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Fittest Games Dry Run Day 2
Dooner and I did the last two wods of the Fittest Games on Monday morning in about a 1 hour span.
75 power snatch at 75 pounds.
My time was 5:30. I did this last year and this time was about 45 seconds faster. I had about 20 left when Dooner finished. So that sucked I guess.
Final WOD
30 wall balls (30 lb slam ball)
10 muscle ups
20 Kettlebell swings (70 lbs)
10 Overhead squats (135 lbs)
25 jump ropes with heavy chains.
wall balls unbroken
Muscle ups sets of 6,4
KBS 13,7
Ovhs unbroken (felt good about this)
Jump ropes unbroken
Time 4:45ish. Can't remember exact time. I killed Dooner on this one almost as bad as he killed me on randy.
So that doesn't suck I guess.
Tied my PR with 13 unbroken muscle ups on Tuesday.
Guess who this little guy is.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Fittest Games Dry Run
We finished one of our program "cycles" so Brice wanted to test how we are doing. A few of us did day 1 of last years Fittest Games.
We started with the 2 position clean ladder. 1 clean from the ground and second clean from the hang. Ladder started at 165 and ended at 255 and went up by 10 pounds every minute. If you cleared the ladder you did deadlifts till time was up. I was able to power clean the whole ladder and did 19 reps of deadlift at the end. Cleans felt good today.
Shoulder to overhead with 53# kettlebell with a 140 pound farmers carry between rounds (80,100,120). I pushed press all the kettlebells and got a time of 3:01
2 minutes to get as many pull-ups as you can. Whenever you come off the bar you have to do 5 push-ups. I got 50 pull-ups. I did sets of 30,15,5. When the 2 minutes is up the next wod starts. 5 rounds of 10 toes to bar and 10 burpees. I can't remember exactly but I think it was around 6:30.
We did all three wods in around 90 minutes. Felling it today. Pretty sore.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I did the Benchmark workout "Amanda" for the first time rx'd today. Was really looking forward to this today and was pumped I finished under 8 minutes, which was my goal.
Muscle ups
Full Snatch (135)
I broke up the first round of muscle ups into sets of 5 and 4. Second round I did 4,2,1 and final round I did 5 singles so I went miss any. I did all the snatches in singles. Good day.
Muse out.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Bear Complex, Ruck Run and Helen Practice.
I did the "bear complex" for the first time in a long time so I have no idea what my previous PR is.
Bear Complex is
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
You have to complete all those 7 times without resting on the ground. Has to be touch and go.
You do that 5 times to find you heaviest weight.
I did:
95 pounds
115 pounds
145 pounds
165 pounds
Did not attempt my final set.
The 165 took me about 3:30 seconds to complete. Had to rest on my back a lot and had to split jerk a few.
After that Dooner and I did a ruck run that turned into a jog that turned into a walk. First time I have had to walk since we have been rucking.
After that I did the workout with the class
"Helen Practice"
3 Rounds
12 pull-ups
21 Kettlebell swings (53#)
400 meter run.
Rest until 7 minutes before starting second round and rest until 14 to start 3rd round.
My times were:
I really pushed myself on the run. I could tell because Leila said I looked like a full coming down the hill. I do that when I run hard.
Taking off tomorrow and doing "Amanda" on Thursday.
Off to watch Dexter.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Bench Press and Rucking
We did 6 sets of 4
One burn out set at 135. I got 30 reps.
After that we did 5 minutes of push-ups ever 30 seconds
I got 90 total.
A few of us went to Mitch park Sunday night and Doonkeen and I did a ruck run. We had 30 pounds in our back pack.
We ran about 2.5 miles and rested and ran one fast mile.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I wasn't going to work out today but I decided to do the wod with one of the classes. I have worked out now 5 days in a row. Which is not what I really need to be doing and not what we preach at Koda. Today's workout wasn't a real beat down so I decided to go ahead and do it.
8 minutes to do Annie and with time remaining as many muscle ups you can do.
Annie was prett slow for me with a time around 6:20. Sit-ups got really hard. After I finished Annie I got 9 muscle ups. Those were hard after all those sit-ups.
Muse out.
Battle Over Redlands Final Day
I was feeling very confident going into the first wod of day 2. It would have been very hard for them to program a better workout for me.
Three rounds of:
30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings (44 #)
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, 35 #)
15 Toes to BarThen, with the remaining time, perform as many Bar Dips as possible.
Double unders are usually a rest time for me and toes to bar have never given me much trouble. I never practiced this workout but I had an idea how long it would take me to get through the 3 rounds. I thought it would take me around 9 minutes and it took 8:30 which left me 3:30 to do bar dips. I had a few people keep an eye on the competition to see how many dips I would need to do. I didn't want to bang out a bunch of dips at the end if I didn't need to. I did all the double unders unbroken and the first 2 sets of toes to bars unbroken. On the final round I did 10 and 5 singles when I saw I had a good lead. I think I did 20ish dips before anyone started doing any. Brice had me sit down a lot and not go crazy. I ended up with 42 dips and won the 4th wod.
Three rounds of:
30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings (44 #)
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, 35 #)
15 Toes to BarThen, with the remaining time, perform as many Bar Dips as possible.
Double unders are usually a rest time for me and toes to bar have never given me much trouble. I never practiced this workout but I had an idea how long it would take me to get through the 3 rounds. I thought it would take me around 9 minutes and it took 8:30 which left me 3:30 to do bar dips. I had a few people keep an eye on the competition to see how many dips I would need to do. I didn't want to bang out a bunch of dips at the end if I didn't need to. I did all the double unders unbroken and the first 2 sets of toes to bars unbroken. On the final round I did 10 and 5 singles when I saw I had a good lead. I think I did 20ish dips before anyone started doing any. Brice had me sit down a lot and not go crazy. I ended up with 42 dips and won the 4th wod.
Final WOD
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 4 Burpees
Score will be number of Thrusters (95 #) completed
Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 4 Burpees
Score will be number of Thrusters (95 #) completed
As much as I hate thrusters I was looking forward to this event. We did the whole Kalsu about a month before so I knew how it would feel. Brice had a good game plan going into this workout and he made stayed beside me and coached me through it. We rested "after" the burpees when everyone else was going to thrusters right after the burpees. Dooner came up with this strategy when we did Kalsu at our gym. I ended up with 71 Thrusters and won this event and won my first Masters Competition. The best part was having over 30 Koda members at this event competing.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Battle Over Redlands Day 1
Well here is the recap of my first Masters competition. I turned 40 literally 2 days before the event so I think I might have been the youngest person in this division. We found out the workouts a few days before but really didn't get to do much game planing. I was going to be the first one to go for every event, so we used me as the guinea pig for everyone else (which is fine since I am so awesome).
11 minutes AMRAP
7 deadlifts
7 front squats
7 shoulder to overhead
My goal was to complete 11 rounds. We decided to rest after the deadlifts because That was the easy part of the workout. That way we could be fresh for the front squats and the shoulder to overhead. I was afraid that my back would tighten up but it never did. I finished 11 rounds plus 7 deadlifts and 7 front squats and 1 shoulder press.
I thought that was going to be good enough to win but I came in second by 7 reps. I knew that I had a battle on my hands now.
1500 meter blind row
We couldn't look at our screen so we had to row by feel. Everyone had a judge and when past 500, 1000 and 1250 meters they held up a sign. I did some practice at this and counted how many strokes I needed to stay at 1:45 pace. I was right on my pace after 500, but like 7 guys were ahead of me. So I had to ramp it up. I wanted to have some left for last 500 so I just sped up a little. I went crazy on last 250 and thought I had caught up with the leaders but I ended up in 5th place on that wod. That put me into 2nd place with the snatch ladder left for day one.
Snatch Ladder
This was a very fast snatch ladder. We only had 30 seconds to lift and rotate to the next bar. It could be a power or full snatch with a little "Press" out allowed. I was right in the middle if the pack so I could see what I needed to lift. I wasn't really to confident for this workout since I knew that some old guy would use his "OLD MAN" strength, little did I know it was me that had the "old man" strength. It wasn't pretty but I saw that no one got 185 in front of me so I needed to get it for sure. It wasn't pretty but I got it and it was good enough for the win for this workout. It tied my PR and left me tied for 1st with two workouts on sunday that I was thinking were good for my strengths. Here are some pics from Day 1 thanks to our Social Media Guru Chad Hamilton.
Snatch Ladder
This was a very fast snatch ladder. We only had 30 seconds to lift and rotate to the next bar. It could be a power or full snatch with a little "Press" out allowed. I was right in the middle if the pack so I could see what I needed to lift. I wasn't really to confident for this workout since I knew that some old guy would use his "OLD MAN" strength, little did I know it was me that had the "old man" strength. It wasn't pretty but I saw that no one got 185 in front of me so I needed to get it for sure. It wasn't pretty but I got it and it was good enough for the win for this workout. It tied my PR and left me tied for 1st with two workouts on sunday that I was thinking were good for my strengths. Here are some pics from Day 1 thanks to our Social Media Guru Chad Hamilton.
Here is my attempt at 195 pounds. I have been working on my feet position A LOT since that weekend.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Front Squats and WADE
My front squats are one of my big weaknesses (not counting handstand walks) so today I did some sets of 3 as heavy as I could go with one heavy single at the end.
5 Rounds for time
11 Dumbbell Power Snatch
12 One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
11 Weighted Pull-Ups
I used 45 pounds for every movement.
The weighted Pull-Ups were singles for the most part
BLOG is back.
5 Rounds for time
11 Dumbbell Power Snatch
12 One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
11 Weighted Pull-Ups
I used 45 pounds for every movement.
The weighted Pull-Ups were singles for the most part
BLOG is back.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Lurong WOD 7
Battle over the Redlands start Saturday so I wanted to get the Lurong WOD done today so I can work on stuff tomorrow.
The workout was pretty good practice for this weekend so it was a good tough wod to do on the final week.
Reps of 3,5,7,9,11 of
Front Squats (95)
Push Press (95)
100 meter farmers carry (53 lbs in each hand) 10 meters at a time.
After you finish the round of 11 you get to do 13 Burpee Muscle ups. Time was 15:26. No missed muscle ups which is nice.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Race for the Cure and Open Gym Workout
So a few of us went down and ran the Race for the Cure 5K Sunday morning. It was a new route this year and it was very fun run. I tried to run with Ed but he seriously carb loaded the night before and I couldn't keep up with him (he drank all night). My time was 24:32 which is pretty good since by diet has gone down hill this last week.
20 walking lunges (with overhead plate 45lbs)
200 meter run
3 hang power cleans (205lbs)
I got 4 rounds and 16 lunges.
We got our workouts for Battle over the Redlands. I will post them this week.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 4
I wanted to wait to right about this final wod till the final results were Official. Drumroll.... Brice won the Pro Division ($500 and entry fee) Dooner came in 8th in amateur (automatic entry) and I won Masters 40-49 (prize package and entry fee). The actual competition isn't till next January so we have some work to do to get ready (especially Dooner 8th place come on).
The final WOD was a perfect mix of my strengths and weaknesses.
4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 OVHS 95lbs
If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part
4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 pull-ups
10 front squats 135lbs
If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part
4 minutes to do as many rounds of
10 pull-ups
10 back squats 185lbs
I felt good about the first 4 minutes. I finished the 4 rounds in a bit over 3 minutes. I knew I would need that extra time to get through the front squats. I finished the last front squat with about 20 seconds to spare. I really don't need to comment about the last four minutes. My body just sort of said "no mas". I was able to do all 9 sets of 10 pull-ups unbroken but squats took their toll. Watch the last 4 minutes for a good laugh and you can see Brice laughing as well.
Lottery WOD 4
Lottery WOD 4
Muse Out.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 3
I was very nervous about this workout. Shoulder 2 Overhead has always been one of my worst movements for some reason.
The workout was:
3 Rounds of
15 Toes to Bar
15 shoulder to overhead (115#)
15 over the bar Burpees
I was wanting to be under 7:00 minutes on this workout and my time was 6:30.
I knew I would need to do the toes to bar unbroken to have a chance at a good time, and I was able to do that. I went unbroken for the first two rounds and broke up the last set into 8&7. I split jerked the last 7 reps just so I could keep going and not put the bar down.
I was very pleased with my time because I think I ate too much for lunch and was feeling very sluggish.
Brice did this same workout in 4:21. So I have that going for me.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 1 and other stuff
I did my second lottery wod Saturday. My time was 9:45 and it left me in 3rd place with 2 more wods to go.
The wod was as follows.
30 wall balls
30 power cleans (95#)
30 wall balls
20 power cleans (135#)
30 wall balls
10 power cleans (185#)
First set of cleans I did in sets of 20 and 10
Second set if cleans I did in 5 sets of 4 reps.
Last set I did in singles. I missed my 9th rep and that cost me some time.
3rd and 4th wods come out Tuesday night.
Here is a good waste of 10 minutes. Last set of cleans are hard to watch.
Here is a good waste of 10 minutes. Last set of cleans are hard to watch.
Sunday I did the Lurong Paleo Challenge wod 4. It was a pretty fun workout that consisted of 50 thruster (95#) and 50 toes 2 bar. My time was 6:25.
After that we went to run a 5K at Red Coyote. I ran right at 25 minutes. Not awful. I beat Arobb by a minute.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 2
So a few of us at Koda are trying to qualify for The Fittest Games in Austin. The actual competition is in January, but they are having an online qualifier to secure a spot. This is one of the biggest competitions in the South and sells out very fast every year.
I decided to the the 2nd wod first and here it is.
10 minute time cap. Score is total reps.
50 double unders
50 Kettlebell swings (53 pounds overhead)
40 double unders
40 Kettlebell swings
30 DU
30 KBS
20 DU
20 KBS
10 DU
10 KBS
If you finish before 10 minutes; you use remaining time to get max reps of Muscle ups.
I did all the rounds of double unders unbroken but not so much the KBS. After the first set (31,10,9); I pretty much tried to break up the rest of the sets into around 10 reps at a time. My forearms and hands were the only thing that started hurting and boy did they start hurting. I finished the last KBS at about the 9:15 so that gave me about 45 seconds to do muscle ups. I got 5 muscle ups and I got a total score of 305.
I am in the masters division of this comp and if you have 12 minutes to kill watch this video. The real fun starts at the end.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tough Day
I decided to give myself a tough day almost like a competition day, so I did all of the above.
I did the regular crossfit wod with the noon class.
I worked up to 185 pounds on the bench press and used 135 pounds for the sled pulls. The ten sled pulls got really hard.
I did the comp wod with 3 reps at 135 pounds on tempo front squats and temps snatch deadlifts.
7 sets of 3 on the shoulder press at 115 pounds.
I did the wod rxd and finished with a time of 10:13. For some reason I thought the wod was with power cleans but it was squat cleans and it killed me after those tempo front squats.
Trying to qualify for The Fittest games in Austin the next couple of weeks. I will let you know.
Muse out.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Lurong Season
I have been doing this Lurong Paleo Challenge and I have been pretty moody. Since half of my usual diet is sugar this has been though even though I have cheated a few times. Today I was wanting to go by Braums to get a milkshake but instead I went to gym and lifted.
I was working on some snatch balance and it felt good so I went ahead and started overhead squatting. I decided I was going for a new PR and got 225 pounds which is a 15 pound PR.
After that I did a short EMOM.
225 pound squat clean and 1 front squat. This got pretty heavy for me after a bit.
I felt good after I did this and was glad I didn't cheat.
Here is a couple of pics from last weeks Anarchy In the OK competition.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
CrossFit Destin
While on vacation to Seaside Florida, we decided to drive to Destin to do a workout. It was 9/11 and we wanted to so a hard workout and we found it at CrossFit Destin.
30 ground to overhead or Grace (135 pounds)
Run 1 mile
30 chest to bar pull-ups
Run 1 mile
100 burpees
I did the 30 ground to overhead in 4:00 which might be a Grace PR. When our coach was explaining the workout she said "for the mile run go to the beach and come back". I thought that was cool. First run took about 9 minutes. I did 15 chest to bar straight and 3 sets of 5 after that. Second run took about 11 minutes. Blah. 100 burpees took 3 weeks to complete.
The day before we went to Grayton Beach and ran 3 miles partly on sand dunes and through a forest trail.
This was a very relaxing vacation and we want to thank Gary Wood for telling us to go to Seaside.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Friday morning. I got up to gym and did 30 minutes on the Airdyne at a good pace. I went around 9 miles. After that Brice and I did 15 sled pushes with 6 plates on it. Blah.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
New program.
Brice just got back from the OPT programming seminar and we are going to give this our undivided attention (beside benching with Abbott on Fridays).
I am going to try and get my Aerobic Capacity up. I feel like I have decent "wind" but I get tired pretty fast compared to some of the better crossfitters. I feel like my strength has gotten decent over the last year and time to turn up to the next level aerobically.
Phillip, Dooner and I did 500 meter rows 10 times. We rested 2 minutes between each with a 5 minute rest halfway. First 5 we kept rower at 1:50 pace and second 5 we kept at 1:48 pace. Last one was for all the marble and I got a 1:39.9 and Phillip got a 1:40.2 and Dooner got a 0.0 because he quit after the 6th 500.
I did the class after that.
One rep max shoulder press (175)
Uphill 200 meter sprint X 5
These felt good and I proved once again that I am the fastest kid alive.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Front squat and "Lynne"
Tried to find my new one rep max front squat today but failed at 295 and 285(my pr). I got 275 pounds.
I did "Lynne" today which is 5 rounds of max effort body weight bench press and straight to max effort kipping pull-ups with rest between rounds.
Rd 1: 12 bench press/ 30 pull-ups
Rd 2: 12/33
Rd 3: 10/20 (ripped palm)
Rd 4: 8/15
Rd 5: 10/10
Haven't done this wod in 4 years. I don't like ripping.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Red Dirt Part 3
I am going to go against the grain of my blog and talk about a few other people. Please don't be upset if I don't single you out but I was especially proud of a few people that competed in the Red Dirt this weekend.
Koda as a whole had a pretty good showing. In the scaled male division we had the top four places and 6 of the top 10. In the Rxd male division (counting Koda Norman) we had 5 of the top 6 places.
I want to start by talking about the 4th place finisher Jacob Schneider. Jacob has always been very strong that hasn't really worried to much about form per se. Jacob had a pretty bad experience at the Fittest in OK earlier this year. He was on a team and had a little hit of trouble on the Knees to Elbows. He said he would never do a comp again and was pretty embarrassed. Instead of quitting he kept coming and started working on his weaknesses. He decided he wanted to do the Red Dirt and really went to work. We both felt like the wods were pretty good for him and we were really only worried about the last wod. Jacob is not the most flexible guy so the bar was tough for him to overhead squat 6 weeks ago. He really didn't think he would finish that wod when it came out. He worked on overhead squat pretty much every other day since the wods came out, And finished the last wod in 8th place at a time of 8:07. He was a little upset that he didnt make the podium but I think he was proud of how he trained up to the comp and how he did on game day.
The best thing about Jacob is how he cheers for his friends when they are on the floor. Jacob will not let you rest in a workout while he is watching. He will yell at the top of his lungs untill you pick the bar back up.
Next up I want to talk about Jerad Abbott. Abbott has been with Koda since the beginning when in some 4:30 classes, it was just Jerad, Reid and I working out together. The main thing I want to talk about is the rope climb, thruster and HSPU wod that the rxd guys had to do. I was watching him go through all the thrusters unbroken and was just amazed at how good his form had gotten since those days in the beginning. I could tell that he was doing good on the wod, so when his heat was over I went out on the floor to see how he did. I said "great job man, your reps looked awesome". His judge said "easiest judging I have had all day, every rep was perfect". One of the first videos Ed made for us we had the camera on Abbott and his thruster were terrible. I never could really put it out because it was so bad. (Real talk). All of Abbott's hard work really paid off last weekend and we were all so proud of his 3rd place finish. He also went unbroken on both sets of the 21 OVHS at 135 pounds on the last wod to make the podium. Which was pretty awesome.
Last I want to talk about Phillip Gordon. Phillip came in second on the final wod to get his 3rd place finish overall. He has also been working super hard over the last month to get ready for this competition. Phillip comes in a lot around 3:00 to workout by himself before he goes home to take care of his son. A lot of people didn't expect much from him because they never see him workout and he is a ginger. I knew he was going to do good so I wasn't surprised at all. What most people don't know about Phillip is that he used to weigh well over 300 pounds and now he is kicking butt in crossfit competitions. Super proud of this guy and can't wait to see how much better he gets.
Sorry I couldn't write about everyone, but know that I am happy that Koda has brought you all into my life.
Enough of this sappy stuff. Back to writing about myself tomorrow.
I guess Doonkeen likes to sit around and watch me come in second to him.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Red Dirt (part 2)
I was feeling reasonably well physically after the front squat wod, and was ready to take on WOD 2.
It was at 10 minutes AMRAP of:
5 push-ups
10 Thrusters (95)
15 KettleBell Swings (53)
My goal was to pace myself and go unbroken as long as a could. I did a good job pacing myself at first. Everyone around me was going fast out of the gate, but I kept to my plan and took rest between movements. I had done this wod a few times and I knew how the last 3 minutes felt and I had a feeling people would start slowing down. I went unbroken until the 4th round on the kettlebells. I actually got 5 reps less than what I got when I did this wod a few weeks ago. I got 5 rounds, 5 push-ups and 6 thrusters which was good enough for 2nd place on this workout (behind Doonkeen, shocker).
After my second place finish on the second wod I felt like I had pretty much gotten on the podium. I knew the last wod was a good one for me so I just wanted to stick to my game plan.
WOD 3:
2 rounds
9 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Power Snatch (95)
21 Over Head Squat (95)
I took it slow on Burpee Pull-ups and was one of last one to my bar for snatch. I did 10 straight, rested and 5 and kept it overhead and did 21 straight OVHS. Dooner and I got back to the pull-ups bar at the same time, but I slowed down and he sped up (jabroni). I broke the next 15 snatch into 5,5,3,2 and I did the OVHS in 2 sets. Final time was 6:36 which was 3rd place on the final wod.
I ended up in second place and was pretty excited standing on the podium with 2 other Kodites. (Doonkeen and Phillip).
Props to Aaron and CrossFit 405 for having a fun event. All of the judges I had were fair and did a good job.
Part 3 and 4 coming soon.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Red Dirt Season is Over (part 1)
This will be a long post so buckle in. After all of my preparation I came in 2nd in the scaled division. This was my first podium in my crossfit career and was pretty excited with how it went after all our hard work.
I got there around 7:15 just in time to watch CrossFitOKC and CrossFit Central Tie in the first Wod. Which is crazy considering they did 400 reps as a team. I also so Lorin finally get over her Power clean hurdle and get a PR of 143 pounds. Enough about everyone else, lets talk about me.
I had an idea that I could win the floater WOD so I did it first.
3 minutes to Row 500 meters and your score is number of reps of back Squat at 185 pounds.
I rowed a nice smooth pace of 1:45 and had about 1:08 to do squats. I got 30 reps and won the event by two reps over Doonkeen and Phillip gott 27 reps. I had practice this wod 3 times and the most I had gotten was 26 reps. Game Day Baby!! This took more out of me than I thought and was glad I had almost 2 hours to rest.
WOD 1.
1 power clean & 1 front squat, 1 power clean & 2 front squats, 1 PC & 3 FS etc...
This is a very tough workout and I was ready to get this one over with. I wasn't feeling super great for some reason so I just tried to tough this one out.
I did this a few times and the best I got was 12 complete rounds and 4 reps in the 13th round.
I thought I would be able to complete 13 rounds but I only got 12 rounds and 8 reps in 13th round. This was good enough for 5th place and I was fine with that.
Part 2 tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Close grip bench press
Last day to workout before Red Dirt this weekend. I plan on taking Wednesday (Massage), Thursday (StretchU) and Friday off.
I worked out with the noon class today and we had 4 "gingers" working out in one class. So much gingerstrength in one building was amazing to watch.
We are in the middle of a testing cycle right now and today we found our 1 rep max close grip bench press, and after that we did max reps at 85% of what we just did.
I benched 255 and got my 85% 4 times.
1060 meter run
60 push-ups
80 sit-ups
100 squats
1060 meter run
In the afternoon with Bittle:
On the minute for 10 minutes
2 reps of back squat at 185 with chains.
Worked on exploding.
3 sets of 3 of 185 front squats (no chains)
Monday, July 29, 2013
Snatch PR
Finally got my bodyweight on my snatch and I got it twice. We did the OKC Comp Series yesterday at CrossFitOKC and on the snatch ladder, Philip and I both got 185 pounds 2 times. Not bad for a couple of gingers.
We took it easy on toes to bar and pistol wod.
Final wod was a 400 meter run for me, I tag him and he rows 500 meters. Nobody was timing me but I am pretty sure my time was around 42 seconds. I might be the fastest kid alive. we got 4th place overall on that WOD.
CrossFitOKC won the hammer again. Nice all around job by their gym.
Today I did "Jackie" with the noon class
1000 meter row
50 thrusters with 45# bar
30 pull-ups
I did this 6 weeks ago and had a time of 6:59. Today I got 6:56.
Rowed at about a 1:55 pace and did 2 sets on the trusters (35 and 15) and unbroken pull-ups. I need to start rowing harder.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
CrossFit Endurance
I decided to do the Endurance class today. Blah
We started with an eight minute EMOM of 2 touch and go full cleans. I used 185 pounds until last round and I used 225 pounds.
1060 meter Run
100 Push Ups
75 Sit Ups
50 KBS
25 Air Squats
1060 meter Run
I did the first run in just under 5 minutes and the 100 Push Ups in about 5:15. The rest was just a blur.
I have been going to "Stretch U" to get some stretching done on my shoulders and legs. Brice and I are going to try his out for awhile and see if it helps. It has so far.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Partner Cindy and 3 Rep Shoulder Press
I caddied for my buddy Trent and OKC Golf and County Club Monday morning. We lost on the 19th hole of the first round of the State Amateur. Was a really nice morning being on the golf course even though we didn't play very well.
I worked out with the 4:30 class Monday and we found our 3 Rep Max Shoulder Press. I got 155, 157 and I ended up getting 165 pounds.
"Partner Cindy"
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
While your partner is doing Cindy you are running 200 Meters, and we start up wherever the other one leaves off in the round. I went with Mai and we got 23 Rounds. She is a really fast squatter, so we had one of the best totals for the day. Eat it Chan and Charles.
Here is a Fun pic from ACO in Dallas from 2010
I worked out with the 4:30 class Monday and we found our 3 Rep Max Shoulder Press. I got 155, 157 and I ended up getting 165 pounds.
"Partner Cindy"
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
While your partner is doing Cindy you are running 200 Meters, and we start up wherever the other one leaves off in the round. I went with Mai and we got 23 Rounds. She is a really fast squatter, so we had one of the best totals for the day. Eat it Chan and Charles.
Here is a Fun pic from ACO in Dallas from 2010
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Golf and Red Dirt WOD 1
I played alright in my little 4 person scramble tournament at SilverHorn. We tied for 1st with at 11 under and lost in a scorecard playoff. 2nd place was a gift certificate to Omaha Steaks and I won a new grill in the raffle. Pretty sweet deal. Thanks Joe.
At open gym on Sunday we did Red Dirt WOD 1 and the floater WOD. 1st wod is 8 minute Power Clean and Front Squat AMRAP. 1 Power Clean and 1 Front Squat, 1PC and 2FS, 1PC and 3FS.....
I got 12 rounds and 5 front squats on the 13th round. That is 3 reps better.
Floater WOD:
3 minutes to row 500 meters and Back Squat 185 as many times as possible. I rowed nice and smooth and had 1 minute to squat. I got 26 reps which was 1 rep better.
Less than 2 weeks till RED DIRT. Feeling good.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
3 rep max clean PR
I got 245 for 3 and feel pretty good about.
Workout today was a fun workout with one hand Kettlebell where you change hands in mid air. Fun wod.
I hit some balls the other day at the range to get ready for a scramble this weekend. Not feeling very confident in my short game. I feel good about my irons though.
Monday, July 15, 2013
I haven't posted in a bit so back at it.
I did do the floater wod from red dirt last week.
3 minutes to row 500 meters and do max reps of 185 pound back squat. I rowed 1:50 and took 10 seconds to get to bar to squat. In one minute I got 25 reps. I did this fresh so we will see how it goes at the comp.
Today I worked up to a heavy set of 5 reps of high bar back squat.
I did 275. I think I could have maybe gotten 285 or 290 max but I wanted to save myself for the WOD
100 reps of thrusters at 135 pounds.
Every minute you must do 5 burpees.
I did 115 pounds and it took me 24:46
A real leg burner, I will see how I feel tomorrow when I wake up.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
DeadLift 1 Rep Max and Flying Annie
I tried to Find a new 1 Rep Max Deadlift today. Felt good up to 365 and then 405 (old PR) felt heavy. I tried 425 and my knees buckled in and I missed it. Drew decided to show me how to lift 425, of course without warming up AT ALL (JERK). I barely got 425 off the ground the second time and gave up after that.
6 sets of 3 reps touch and go Power Cleans at 75% plus
I did most of my sets at 200 and did last set at 225
Flying Annie
5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-Ups
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-Ups
I did all the Muscle Ups unbroken but they got hard after sit-ups for sure
Drew - 8:48
Me - 8:50
Jarred - 11:43
Jarred did a lot better on his power cleans today. Proud of him.
6 sets of 3 reps touch and go Power Cleans at 75% plus
I did most of my sets at 200 and did last set at 225
Flying Annie
5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-Ups
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-Ups
I did all the Muscle Ups unbroken but they got hard after sit-ups for sure
Drew - 8:48
Me - 8:50
Jarred - 11:43
Jarred did a lot better on his power cleans today. Proud of him.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Weight Lifting Total
I did my own Weightlifting event today.
3 attempts at a Snatch and a Clean & Jerk
I tried to be by the books with my lock outs and time between lifts
165 (good lift) powered it
180 (good lift) powered it
185 (missed it) caught it high, infront
Clean & Jerk
240 (missed it) power clean didn't lock out arms
247 (good lift) PR. Power clean
255 (missed it) full clean and missed jerk
I felt good on the clean so went for a new PR.
I squat cleaned 275 pounds. Never thought I would ever get this goal to be honest.
Good day.
Chad Vaughn came by the other day and did a little workout.
Google him if you don't know who he is. It was fun to watch him lift. He weighs 170 pounds and I watched him snatch 300 pounds. Crazy stuff.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Front Squat PR
Started the Day with a 400 Meter Time Trial.
1. Ryan DoonKeen
2. Drew Hymer
3. Wade Bittle
4. Jared Muse 1:05
We found our 1 Rep Max Front squat next
285 pounds (20 pound PR)
EMOM starting with 135 pounds and we go up 10 pounds every minute until failure
Squat clean with 10 second HOLD at the bottom and stand up.
Last time I did this I got to 235 and held it for 3 seconds.
This time I got 235 for 10 seconds but couldn't stand up.
5 rounds
3 Power Cleans at 75% (200 pounds)
10 Burpees
Going to Run the Dam at Lake Hefner this afternoon.
Good Times today with Jarred, Wade, Drew, Bittle, DoonKeen and ManKind
1. Ryan DoonKeen
2. Drew Hymer
3. Wade Bittle
4. Jared Muse 1:05
We found our 1 Rep Max Front squat next
285 pounds (20 pound PR)
EMOM starting with 135 pounds and we go up 10 pounds every minute until failure
Squat clean with 10 second HOLD at the bottom and stand up.
Last time I did this I got to 235 and held it for 3 seconds.
This time I got 235 for 10 seconds but couldn't stand up.
5 rounds
3 Power Cleans at 75% (200 pounds)
10 Burpees
Going to Run the Dam at Lake Hefner this afternoon.
Good Times today with Jarred, Wade, Drew, Bittle, DoonKeen and ManKind
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Red Dirt WOD 2
I did the second WOD again today.
10 minute AMRAP
5 push-ups
10 thrusters (95)
15 KBS (53)
Last time I did it I got
5 rounds, 5 push-ups and 1 thruster
This time I got
5 rounds, 5 push-ups, 10 thrusters and 1 KBS
I think I will get 6 rounds plus on game day.
I worked on snatch balance and snatch drops with 95 pounds afterwards.
CrossFit OKC got the golden Hammer back from us today over at the Doom Room today. Good job guys. It was a close match.
Koda CrossFit Norman got 3rd place today.
Koda got 2nd and 3rd.
Nick about to power clean a lot.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Did A Lot today.
Had the OKC 9:00 crew back together today (+2). Jarred, Ryan, Waders, Dooner and Heidi.
Started with an 10 minute EMOM of
Power Snatch on the odd (95) max effort in 20 seconds
Front Squat on the even (135) max effort in 20 seconds.
I finished with 45 total squats and 37 snatches. This got my back pretty good.
Drew did the WOD with us.
Box jumps (24) step down
Ring dips
Deadlift (185)
After I taught the noon class; Mai(35 pounds) Lorin(45) Brice(105) and I(90)pulled the sled around the block (530 meters). A real calf burner for me.
During the 4:30 class I decided to get my swole on so I did;
10 rounds
10 reps of bench press (135)
10 reps of ring push-ups.
Not timed.
Went to eat Salmon with the parents after all that.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Red Dirt Ready
10 minute EMOM
9 thrusters (95)
I only got 8 reps on the 7th round and 0 on 8th round. 9 and 10 on the last 2 sets.
After that we went straight to sled drags getting heavier every round
After that we went straight to 100 push-ups for time
After that I wanted to do some heavy full cleans while I was tired
5 sets of 2 reps
Heavy singles
235 and 245.
Took Thursday off. I mowed the lawn and it was hot.
Willis Tower in Chicago.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Nancy and Conor's Last Day.
Bad day all around. I sucked at "Nancy" and I sucked at my friendship with Conor. He moved away.
5 rounds
400 Meter Run
15 Overhead Squat (95)
I did the ovhs unbroken but the running not so much.
It was fun working out with the noon class. Some characters in that class. (Griffin)
I have said this before but days like yesterday are the worst part of having a gym. I get used to see someone everyday and they up and leave for a year. What am I supposed to do? I guess I will snapchat Conor everyday. Your energy and good attitude will be missed.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Snatch PR and Jackie PR
We finished our snatch cycle and I started at 175 pounds 6 weeks ago and I got 180 pounds on Monday. I almost got 185. Next time.
1000 meter row
50 thrusters with 45 pound bar
30 pull-ups
I haven't done pull-ups in 8 weeks because of a lat injury and I was worried about how this would go. I will have to say pretty well. I did 30 straight butterfly pull-ups unbroken.
I took it easy on the row at about a 1:55 pace and I did 25,15 & 10 on the thrusters and rested on my back.
Red Dirt training
Bittle and I did a 10 minute EMOM of 6 reps at 135 pound front squats. Second half of the emom we used 155 and on last set we did max reps in 30 seconds and I go 13 reps.
Floater WOD practice.
3 rounds of
3 minutes
500 meter row and max reps of back squat at 205 pounds
Rest 3 minutes
Monday, June 24, 2013
Mcalester WOD
I went down to indoor football facility Sunday morning with Zathan and Josh.
We did an EMOM of Full cleans starting at 135 and going up 10 pounds every Minute. We had to hold the bottom position for 10 seconds and then standup out of it until we failed. I failed at 225# and Zathan failed at 235.
Sled WOD:
Quick burner WOD was what I had in mind for us.
2 Rounds
40 Yard Push
20 Pushups
40 Yard Drag
20 Squats
Zathan won. Thanks for letting me workout with you guys.
We did an EMOM of Full cleans starting at 135 and going up 10 pounds every Minute. We had to hold the bottom position for 10 seconds and then standup out of it until we failed. I failed at 225# and Zathan failed at 235.
Sled WOD:
Quick burner WOD was what I had in mind for us.
2 Rounds
40 Yard Push
20 Pushups
40 Yard Drag
20 Squats
Zathan won. Thanks for letting me workout with you guys.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
2010 South Central Regional Final Wod
Still a little sore so I didn't want to go to crazy today.
We did a 5 minute strength of 135 snatch every 30 seconds. I did this in my regular shoes and I caught some high and some low. Missed my first one and hit the rest.
10 muscle ups
15 Handstand Push ups
20 Squat cleans (155)
530 Meter Run
First time to do Muscle-Ups in 2 months. Not too sore.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
2009 Games WOD 5
Today I was still pretty sore but Bittle wanted to hit it hard again so I said lets do it.
10 minute EMOM
8 thrusters at 95 pounds
2009 CrossFit Games WOD 5
3 rounds
30 wall balls (20)
30 snatch (75)
We put a 20 minute time cap and we scaled accordingly. Darnell, Heidi, Bittle and Jarred joined me on this little adventure.
I used 65 pounds and I did hang snatch. My back tighten up like we thought that it would. I finished at a time of 17:11.
I think I am going to take another day off tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Red Dirt Dry Run
Ryan Bittle had an idea that we should do all the WODS in one day to get a good feel on how it would be and see if the specialized training we are going to do for the next month and a half will work. This morning at 8:00 am Ryan Bittle, Ryan Doonkeen and myself started WOD number 1. I won't share how my buddies did but I will share how I did and what my strategies were.
8 minute AMRAP of power clean and front squats.
1 power clean 1 front squat, 1 power clean 2 front squats, 1 power clean 3 front squats, etc....
I finished the round of 12 and 2 reps into the round of 13. I did this last week and only got a bit over 10 rounds and my back was on fire. I did some good mobilization this time and was able to keep my back vertical and that helped my lower back. This time I also did the actual squats faster and had some planned rest.
I had some protien and ate a boiled egg and rolled out my quads before I taught the 9:15 class.
Wod number 2 started at 11:20.
10 minute AMRAP of:
5 push-ups
10 thrusters (95#)
15 Kettle Bell Swings (53#)
This wod surprised me with how it kicked my butt. I knew thrusters would be hard because they always are, but the Kettlebell swings were hard right after the thrusters.
I got 5 rounds and 5 push-ups and 1 thruster. I was able to do the first 3 rounds of thrusters unbroken and I had to break the last round of KBS into 10&5. I will go unbroken on the KBS on game day and I will be doing a few thruster EMOMs to help with that portion of the wod. I did the push-ups unbroken which is pretty awesome.
We waited 20 minutes and did the "Floater Wod"
3 minutes to get as many reps as possible of back squat at 185# after you row 500 meters.
I rowed mainly with my arms and rowed 500 meters in 1:50 which left me 60 seconds to squat. I went low back squat and got 19 reps. I think I can get around 21 or 22 reps at the competition.
WOD 3 started at 3:45 and was my favorite of the day.
2 rounds of
9 Burpee Pull-ups
15 power snatch (95)
21 Over Head Squat (95)
I just went smooth on the burpee pull ups and tried to go crazy on the rest. I did the first set of snatch with 10 unbroken and then 5 reps straight into the OVHS. I did 15 before I put the bar down and then finished the last 6 reps. I finished the first round around 3:15ish, I think. The second set of snatch is what did me in. I did 6,4,3 and 2 to get to my 15. After the last 2 reps of snatch I kept it overhead for 21 straight ovhs. I want to be under 7 minutes for this last wod and I will have to work on my power snatch to achieve this.
I felt good throughout the day and my back never locked up which is good considering I did 192 total squats throughout the day. I'm not sure about my food intake considering I ate sushi at Whole Foods between the floater and last wod.
Thanks to Ryan and Ryan for doing this with me today.
Probably gonna take the next two days off.
Red Dirt Season.
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