Monday, June 17, 2013

Red Dirt Dry Run

Ryan Bittle had an idea that we should do all the WODS in one day to get a good feel on how it would be and see if the specialized training we are going to do for the next month and a half will work. This morning at 8:00 am Ryan Bittle, Ryan Doonkeen and myself started WOD number 1. I won't share how my buddies did but I will share how I did and what my strategies were. 
8 minute AMRAP of power clean and front squats. 
1 power clean 1 front squat, 1 power clean 2 front squats, 1 power clean 3 front squats, etc....
I finished the round of 12 and 2 reps into the round of 13. I did this last week and only got a bit over 10 rounds and my back was on fire. I did some good mobilization this time and was able to keep my back vertical and that helped my lower back.  This time I also did the actual squats faster and had some planned rest. 

I had some protien and ate a boiled egg and rolled out my quads before I taught the 9:15 class. 

Wod number 2 started at 11:20. 
10 minute AMRAP of:
5 push-ups
10 thrusters (95#)
15 Kettle Bell Swings (53#)

This wod surprised me with how it kicked my butt. I knew thrusters would be hard because they always are, but the Kettlebell swings were hard right after the thrusters. 
I got 5 rounds and 5 push-ups and 1 thruster. I was able to do the first 3 rounds of thrusters unbroken and I had to break the last round of KBS into 10&5. I will go unbroken on the KBS on game day and I will be doing a few thruster EMOMs to help with that portion of the wod. I did the push-ups unbroken which is pretty awesome. 

We waited 20 minutes and did the "Floater Wod"
3 minutes to get as many reps as possible of back squat at 185# after you row 500 meters. 
I rowed mainly with my arms and rowed 500 meters in 1:50 which left me 60 seconds to squat. I went low back squat and got 19 reps.  I think I can get around 21 or 22 reps at the competition. 

WOD 3 started at 3:45 and was my favorite of the day. 
2 rounds of 
9 Burpee Pull-ups
15 power snatch (95)
21 Over Head Squat (95)
I just went smooth on the burpee pull ups and tried to go crazy on the rest. I did the first set of snatch with 10 unbroken and then 5 reps straight into the OVHS. I did 15 before I put the bar down and then finished the last 6 reps. I finished the first round around 3:15ish, I think. The second set of snatch is what did me in. I did 6,4,3 and 2 to get to my 15. After the last 2 reps of snatch I kept it overhead for 21 straight ovhs.  I want to be under 7 minutes for this last wod and I will have to work on my power snatch to achieve this. 

I felt good throughout the day and my back never locked up which is good considering I did 192 total squats throughout the day.  I'm not sure about my food intake considering I ate sushi at Whole Foods between the floater and last wod. 
Thanks to Ryan and Ryan for doing this with me today. 

Probably gonna take the next two days off.

Red Dirt Season. 

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