Thursday, November 14, 2013

Battle Over Redlands Final Day

I was feeling very confident going into the first wod of day 2. It would have been very hard for them to program a better workout for me.

Three rounds of:
30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings (44 #)
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, 35 #)
15 Toes to Bar
Then, with the remaining time, perform as many Bar Dips as possible.

Double unders are usually a rest time for me and toes to bar have never given me much trouble.  I never practiced this workout but I had an idea how long it would take me to get through the 3 rounds.  I thought it would take me around 9 minutes and it took 8:30 which left me 3:30 to do bar dips. I had a few people keep an eye on the competition to see how many dips I would need to do.  I didn't want to bang out a bunch of dips at the end if I didn't need to. I did all the double unders unbroken and the first 2 sets of toes to bars unbroken.  On the final round I did 10 and 5 singles when I saw I had a good lead.  I think I did 20ish dips before anyone started doing any. Brice had me sit down a lot and not go crazy. I ended up with 42 dips and won the 4th wod.

Final WOD
AMRAP Kalsu 

Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 4 Burpees 
Score will be number of Thrusters (95 #) completed

As much as I hate thrusters I was looking forward to this event.  We did the whole Kalsu about a month before so I knew how it would feel.  Brice had a good game plan going into this workout and he made stayed beside me and coached me through it.  We rested "after" the burpees when everyone else was going to thrusters right after the burpees.  Dooner came up with this strategy when we did Kalsu at our gym.  I ended up with 71 Thrusters and won this event and won my first Masters Competition.  The best part was having over 30 Koda members at this event competing.

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