11 minutes AMRAP
7 deadlifts
7 front squats
7 shoulder to overhead
My goal was to complete 11 rounds. We decided to rest after the deadlifts because That was the easy part of the workout. That way we could be fresh for the front squats and the shoulder to overhead. I was afraid that my back would tighten up but it never did. I finished 11 rounds plus 7 deadlifts and 7 front squats and 1 shoulder press.
I thought that was going to be good enough to win but I came in second by 7 reps. I knew that I had a battle on my hands now.
1500 meter blind row
We couldn't look at our screen so we had to row by feel. Everyone had a judge and when past 500, 1000 and 1250 meters they held up a sign. I did some practice at this and counted how many strokes I needed to stay at 1:45 pace. I was right on my pace after 500, but like 7 guys were ahead of me. So I had to ramp it up. I wanted to have some left for last 500 so I just sped up a little. I went crazy on last 250 and thought I had caught up with the leaders but I ended up in 5th place on that wod. That put me into 2nd place with the snatch ladder left for day one.
Snatch Ladder
This was a very fast snatch ladder. We only had 30 seconds to lift and rotate to the next bar. It could be a power or full snatch with a little "Press" out allowed. I was right in the middle if the pack so I could see what I needed to lift. I wasn't really to confident for this workout since I knew that some old guy would use his "OLD MAN" strength, little did I know it was me that had the "old man" strength. It wasn't pretty but I saw that no one got 185 in front of me so I needed to get it for sure. It wasn't pretty but I got it and it was good enough for the win for this workout. It tied my PR and left me tied for 1st with two workouts on sunday that I was thinking were good for my strengths. Here are some pics from Day 1 thanks to our Social Media Guru Chad Hamilton.
Snatch Ladder
This was a very fast snatch ladder. We only had 30 seconds to lift and rotate to the next bar. It could be a power or full snatch with a little "Press" out allowed. I was right in the middle if the pack so I could see what I needed to lift. I wasn't really to confident for this workout since I knew that some old guy would use his "OLD MAN" strength, little did I know it was me that had the "old man" strength. It wasn't pretty but I saw that no one got 185 in front of me so I needed to get it for sure. It wasn't pretty but I got it and it was good enough for the win for this workout. It tied my PR and left me tied for 1st with two workouts on sunday that I was thinking were good for my strengths. Here are some pics from Day 1 thanks to our Social Media Guru Chad Hamilton.
Here is my attempt at 195 pounds. I have been working on my feet position A LOT since that weekend.
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