We started with the 2 position clean ladder. 1 clean from the ground and second clean from the hang. Ladder started at 165 and ended at 255 and went up by 10 pounds every minute. If you cleared the ladder you did deadlifts till time was up. I was able to power clean the whole ladder and did 19 reps of deadlift at the end. Cleans felt good today.
Shoulder to overhead with 53# kettlebell with a 140 pound farmers carry between rounds (80,100,120). I pushed press all the kettlebells and got a time of 3:01
2 minutes to get as many pull-ups as you can. Whenever you come off the bar you have to do 5 push-ups. I got 50 pull-ups. I did sets of 30,15,5. When the 2 minutes is up the next wod starts. 5 rounds of 10 toes to bar and 10 burpees. I can't remember exactly but I think it was around 6:30.
We did all three wods in around 90 minutes. Felling it today. Pretty sore.
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