Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fittest Games Lottery WOD 4

I wanted to wait to right about this final wod till the final results were Official. Drumroll....  Brice won the Pro Division ($500 and entry fee) Dooner came in 8th in amateur (automatic entry) and I won Masters 40-49 (prize package and entry fee). The actual competition isn't till next January so we have some work to do to get ready (especially Dooner 8th place come on).
The final WOD was a perfect mix of my strengths and weaknesses. 

4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 OVHS 95lbs

If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part

4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 pull-ups 
10 front squats 135lbs

If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part

4 minutes to do as many rounds of
10 pull-ups 
10 back squats 185lbs

I felt good about the first 4 minutes. I finished the 4 rounds in a bit over 3 minutes. I knew I would need that extra time to get through the front squats.  I finished the last front squat with about 20 seconds to spare. I really don't need to comment about the last four minutes. My body just sort of said "no mas". I was able to do all 9 sets of 10 pull-ups unbroken but squats took their toll. Watch the last 4 minutes for a good laugh and you can see Brice laughing as well.

Lottery WOD 4

Muse Out. 

1 comment:

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