Sunday, November 30, 2014

13.3 and Jackie

We finished off our week of tests with open wod 13.3 and Jackie


One rep max front squat
Stopped at 295 (1 rep is 315)

150 wallballs 
90 double unders
30 muscleups 
I finished the wallballs in 6:54 had a game plan and didn't rest more than 10 seconds and I usually just rested 5 seconds. The double unders took longer than I wanted but that was ok. I still had over 3 minutes to do muscleups. In 2012 and 2013 open I got 15 muscleups and this time I got 17 muscleups.  I felt alright about that. I would like this to show up again in 2015 open. 


I found my one rep max front squat again but this time with a 5 second hold at the bottom. I got 275. 

1000 meter row 
50 thrusters (45 pound bar)
30 pull-ups. 
I had a game plan to finish under 6 minutes but didn't quite make it.  I rowed at a 1:50 pace and finished the row at 3:41. I got right into my thrusters and did them unbroken but I just did them too slow I guess. Pull-ups were fast and unbroken but couldn't make up for my slow thrusters. 

I did an emom of snatch and at the end I hit two reps at 185 which is good for me at the end of a emom and tough strength and Jackie. 

Good day. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Test Week at Koda

We did some testing at Koda CrossFit this week so I thought I would blog about it. 

Shoulder press 1 rep max 165 (pr is 175)
Weighted pull-up 1 rep max 108 (10 pound pr)
2K row test 7:10. I wanted sub 7 but that is fine. 

Power clean 1 rep max I got 265. My pr is 275 so skipped that and went straight to 280. Missed it pretty bad but that is fine. 
30 reps of ground to overhead at 134
2:28 which is a really big PR. I did singles on every rep. 

21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups. 
Sub 3 minutes has always been my goal and I finally got it. I never have to do Fran again. 

Here is a pic of me failing a clean at what looks like around 135 pounds back in 2010.