This is the third time that we have done this wod and I have gotten 15,14, and today 13 Muscle-Ups. I think I might have broken up the Wall Balls too much. This was my breakdown.
That took me 8:15 which is longer than the last time. I did do 90 double-unders unbroken with my new RPM Jumprope. I only had 2 1/2 minutes for Muscle-ups so 13 wasn't too bad. My breakdown for this was:
After I taught the 6:00 PM class I did the Competitor WOD.
I did 5 sets of 1 rep of low Backsquat
Rested 5 minutes then:
5 minutes of 3 HSPU every 30 seconds.
I think the deep tissue massage I got today really helped. Felt good during the workout.
Muse Out.
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