Sunday, November 30, 2014

13.3 and Jackie

We finished off our week of tests with open wod 13.3 and Jackie


One rep max front squat
Stopped at 295 (1 rep is 315)

150 wallballs 
90 double unders
30 muscleups 
I finished the wallballs in 6:54 had a game plan and didn't rest more than 10 seconds and I usually just rested 5 seconds. The double unders took longer than I wanted but that was ok. I still had over 3 minutes to do muscleups. In 2012 and 2013 open I got 15 muscleups and this time I got 17 muscleups.  I felt alright about that. I would like this to show up again in 2015 open. 


I found my one rep max front squat again but this time with a 5 second hold at the bottom. I got 275. 

1000 meter row 
50 thrusters (45 pound bar)
30 pull-ups. 
I had a game plan to finish under 6 minutes but didn't quite make it.  I rowed at a 1:50 pace and finished the row at 3:41. I got right into my thrusters and did them unbroken but I just did them too slow I guess. Pull-ups were fast and unbroken but couldn't make up for my slow thrusters. 

I did an emom of snatch and at the end I hit two reps at 185 which is good for me at the end of a emom and tough strength and Jackie. 

Good day. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Test Week at Koda

We did some testing at Koda CrossFit this week so I thought I would blog about it. 

Shoulder press 1 rep max 165 (pr is 175)
Weighted pull-up 1 rep max 108 (10 pound pr)
2K row test 7:10. I wanted sub 7 but that is fine. 

Power clean 1 rep max I got 265. My pr is 275 so skipped that and went straight to 280. Missed it pretty bad but that is fine. 
30 reps of ground to overhead at 134
2:28 which is a really big PR. I did singles on every rep. 

21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups. 
Sub 3 minutes has always been my goal and I finally got it. I never have to do Fran again. 

Here is a pic of me failing a clean at what looks like around 135 pounds back in 2010. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good Day of Training.

This was my final day of training for the week so I hit it hard. 
Started with 5x3 bench press at 185. 

Brice, Matt, ECD and I did a different little workout. 
Strict hspu/jump and touch wall ball target. We started with 530 run and end it with 100 double unders. I had to go to an abmat on the round of 8 on. Unbroken on 100 double unders. 

I worked out with the 5:00 pm endurance class. 5x5 high bar back squat at 245 was hard. 
4 rounds of 8 slam balls and 200 meter sprintish. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Push Press 1RM

Did a few things today. 
Found my one reps max push press 215
Max set of dead hang pull-ups 16

I did a very tough workout. 
Full snatch at 155 pounds
Muscle ups
Time was 8:23
That was the heaviest I have ever gone with snatch in a workout and I had at least 5 misses. Unbroken on muscleups. 

Box squats 

Muse out. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Day in the Life of Me

Breakfast at 8:00 AM
3 eggs over medium and 4 pieces of toast. They might have had peanut butter and jelly on them. 
Taught 9:15 class
At 11:00 Falco and I did some lifting. He did some box squats and I found my one rep max power snatch and high bar back squat.  
I got 190 on power snatch which was a 5lb PR that has been with me for 10 months.  I weigh 180lbs right now so it was nice to finally hit that.  15lb PR for my high bar back squat at 330lbs.  Falco did like 380 on the safety bar back squat which is pretty good. 

I taught the noon class and did the strength with them. 
5 sets of 4 reps of front squats at 185. The timing scheme was 1,1, X, 2.  1 second down, 1 second hold, explode and 2 seconds at top. Worked on my breathing and tried to stay fast the whole time.  

Went to whole foods and had a wrap with double meat and carrots and lettuce. 

At 4:00, Jason and I practice WOD 1 for this weekends CrossFit Team Series. We put together a masters team of Amy Jordan (from CrossFit Native), Natasha Bennett, Jason Sumner and I. We were 1st and 2nd on the podium at The Red Dirt Classic. 

12 minute Amrap of alternating rounds of 30 double unders and 65lb ground to overhead. Jason and I finished 11 rounds and 26 double unders. We hope to finish 12 rounds this weekend. 

I drank some chocolate milk with protien powder and taught 4:30 and 6:00. 

After I finished the 6:00 pm class I went to Arobb's movement's class and did "Baseline" with them
500 meter row
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups 

About 8:00 PM, Mai and I went to Saturn Grill and I had a Salmon Caesar Salad. 

A good day of training and coaching. 

Here is a pic of Jason at last weekends comp. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Battle of Benchmarks Day 2

Starting day 2, I was feeling pretty tired. I always feel like that until 3,2,1 go and then I don't feel tired anymore for some reason. Plus I was looking forward to doing "Jackie" with the 33 pound bar. 
Jackie is 
1000 meter Row
50 barbell thrusters (33)
30 pull-ups. 
I had a game plan going into it and I was ready
I wanted to keep my row pace between 1:45-1:50, and I was able to do that. Bob Cole was to my left and he got off his rower and I had about 100 meters left so I got into 1:35 range to finish it off. He had about a 10 thruster lead when I started.  I knew that we would both go unbroken on the thrusters and we both did. I had about 10 reps left when he finished and I saw him stop and get a drink of water and I knew I had a chance. I finished my last thruster and went straight to the bar.  I got in a good rhythm and saw him have to come off the bar a couple of times. I could hear Mai and Conor yelling at me to hurry and that I had a chance. I finished my set unbroken and finished 3 seconds before him to get 1st place on that workout. I finished with a time of 5:56 which was about 40 seconds faster than my PR with a 45 pound bar.  I told my judge right before I started if he would get someone to stand behind me on the pull-ups. I told him I wasn't coming off the bar unless I fell off.  I didn't fall off, and I really like my new Rogue gloves. 

Even though I had won the last 2 workouts I was still 4 points behind with one workout. With only 5 people going to the finals I would have to win and Bob would have to come in 5th for us to tie. I knew he wouldn't come in 5th so I told myself I was just going to take it easy on the last workout and not go to crazy. Well that didn't happen. They announced that the final wod would be the hero wod "DT". How they announced it was very awesome and inspiring. They brought a triple amputee War Hero out to announce the workout and I knew I was going to go nuts in the finals. I had to fight back some tears when he was speaking, thinking about how lucky we were to be able to do what we were doing that day because of people like him. 

5 rounds
12 Deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks (had to be push jerks)
We used 115 pounds which I knew was a perfect weight for me. 

Brice and I immediately made our game plan as we were walking to warm up and knew we were going to do good.

They had Bob and I side by side again and right before we started I turned around to face him so I could see how fast he was going. I have done this workout before and I knew the first round meant zero. This is a grip smoker so I just paced myself from the beginning. I have a fast way of doing hang power cleans that I have been practicing for awhile and I was excited to try it out. I took my breaks after the deadlifts every round and went unbroken on the cleans and push jerks to pick up a lot of time.  He started the last set a few reps in front of me but I was able to catch and pass him on the cleans and won the final workout with a time of 4:32. I was excited to win that final workout and finish the weekend off strong. Bob was the better crossfitter this weekend and I really enjoyed going head to head with him for the first time.  I hope to go against him a few more times in these Master's events. 

Here is the final workout

I like this pic that Crossfit Kairos got of me at the event. 

My next post will be about some good moments from the event from our other Koda Competitors. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Battle of the Benchmarks Day 1

I couldn't decide if I was excited for this event or not. I know how bad I feel after doing Benchmark workouts and doing 6 in two days didn't sound like a lot of fun. Once the workouts came out I saw that they were scaled to a very doable level so I got a little more excited. 

7 days going into the event I had a good day of training and a bad day of training. I did the Fran workout with the 80 pound weight for thrusters and went unbroken with a time of 2:46. The next day of training I did the Diane workout and had a time of 2:09 (9 seconds slower than the first time I tried it). I wanted to do the Karen floater wod because we got to use a 14 pound ball. A few of us did it together and I quit after 85 reps. I don't quit workouts so this was weird that I let myself stop on my last training day before the event. I take three full days off before a 2 day event and 2 full days off before a 1 day event. I mean complete days off. No active recovery. No rowing. Nothing!!  I have found that this works best for my 40 year old body. I didn't let that last day of bad training affect the way I felt about how I would do. I didn't freak out and do the workouts again. I visualized doing good instead of worrying about that one bad day.  I also eat a lot those three days and not particularly clean either (usually a few meals of pasta).  

I was second in the North Central Region in the Open this year to a man from Tulsa named Bob Cole and he was at this event. So I was excited to go against him. 

Day 1

Diane. 30 reps of ground to overhead at 115 pounds. I had a feeling Bob would beat me on this workout (he is a big dude) so I wanted to come in second for sure.  I practiced this one time and got a time of 1:57 which I was pleased with. I did 15 reps and broke it up after that. On this day I had a different plan. Don't stop. I had him in front of me so I could see where he was at. I did 27 straight touch and go reps without stopping and I looked up and he was done. I said "well shit". I dropped it after that and finished it on out. I had a time of 1:43 and was really pleased with that. I got second and was beat by a better man on that workout. I know that was all I had. 

I did the Floater workout a few about 1.5 hours later. It was Karen (150 wallballs with 14 pound ball).  I watched a few of my members go before me on this and one did 150 straight. I knew I couldn't do that. I had sort of a plan. 50,40 and break up reps how I felt after that. Again Bob was in front on me so I could tell what was going on. 
I felt good from the beginning in this one. I did 50 straight and rested as planned. I did 40 and felt alright still. I did 30 and was getting a bit tired in the shoulders. So on the last 30 I did something a little different. I tried to catch the ball at the bottom of squat to save just a little time and to make it an "air squat" instead on a weighted squat. I really tried to go fast on the last 30 and actually was talking to myself to speed up and not slow down.  Those last 30 felt faster than first 30 and I got a time of 4:53. My goal was under 5:30 so once again I was really pleased with that.  That wasn't good enough. With 10 reps to go I saw Bob finish and again I said "well shit".  So I know I have my work cut out for me for sure. 

Diane (21-15-9 deadlifts with 185 and push-ups). This event was the one that I was worried about. I am not a very fast push upperer. I was really hoping that we would have had a scaled handstand push-up and not just push-ups so I had to try and go crazy on this one. The best I did in practice was 2:00 and I knew I had to do better. I went as fast as I could on the deadlifts the whole time and as fast as I could on the push-ups. This was a sprint and I transitioned as fast as I could. I finished with a time of 1:48 and felt good about that until I saw I came in 4th and knew my chance of winning was pretty much over.  I knew I needed to win the next three workouts to have a chance. I also knew two of them had pull-ups so I had a chance. 

Fran (21-15-9 of thrusters with 85 pounds and pull-ups). 

I had to go unbroken to have a chance so I paced the thrusters the first round and tried to go fast on the pull-ups. I saw a few people finished the first set of thrusters before me, but I caught up with them on pull-ups. Second set of thrusters I sped up some but was still behind 2 people going into pull-ups.  I did those 15 pull-ups fast and caught up again. I rushed through last set of thrusters and jumped straight to bar. I had done a few reps and I heard Conor yell "hurry you have a chance" which meant he broke up his last set of pull-ups. I was able to go unbroken on last set and beat Bob by one second with my time of 2:36. It felt good to get a win and I had some momentum to build on for day 2. 

I did something before each workout in the corral areas that I hadn't really done before. I would go into the Yoga position "child's pose" and visual the workouts and the movements. I really felt myself go into a good state of mind before every event and that really helped. 

Here is the Fran Video

Here is a shot of some of our group that competed.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Am Back

I have a few competitions in the next few months so I thought I start my blog back to keep track of my food and training.

Today Dooner and I did Nasty Girls at open gym.

3 rounds of
50 air squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans at 135
Time 7:23

My pr was 7:08

I did muscle ups in sets of:

Muscle-Ups really held me back but I was able to go to Unbroken on the rest of it.  I went hot on first round and finished at 2:04.

Here is a picture from a comp in Dallas a few months ago.

Muse Out.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

NPFL Combine Day 1

Been a long time since I have updated this world famous blog (ranked top 5 blogs off all time). Thought I would get it going for this fun day I had at NPFL combine. NPFL stands for National Professional Fitness League. This is a brand new league and I thought it would be fun to come try out for it. I submitted my stats and qualifications this week and got invited on Thursday. Kameron Rosenau also got invited and we came down together. 

I wasn't super nervous when I got there and felt fine warming up, but I could barely write my name on the first scorecard. There were a bunch of different events we could do. We could do as many or as few as we want and had all day to complete them. Here are my numbers for all of the events and the order I decided to go in.  

Muscle ups - max reps in 90 seconds - 15 reps 
Front squat 1 rep max - 305 (pr) failed at 315
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups - max reps in 90 seconds - 48 reps 
Clean 1 rep max - 275
Double-Unders - max reps in 90 seconds - 163 (unbroken)
Snatch 1 rep max - 185
1000 Meter Row - 3:18.5
Clean and Jerk 1 rep max - 255
Shuttle Run max distance in 60 seconds - 800 feet. 

To see what this league is all about go here and read up and also click on "combine" to see how I stacked up against the other 40 year olds.

Kameron had a few stellar moments. He deadlifted 550 pounds and he only weighs 175 pounds.  He also got 60 chest to bar pull-ups and was 7 reps ahead of next best. 

Muse out!  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Fittest Games Final Day

I didn't get a lot of sleep going into the final day. I kept replaying in my mind what I could have done on the two workouts I came second in and what the final day was going to bring.  My body felt good and I was really looking forward to the first workout that morning.  I. Love. Power. Cleans. 

5 rounds
9 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
3 shoulder to overhead
110 pound axel bar. 

They didn't tell us it was going to be a fat bar we would be using but we practiced with one just in case and it didn't feel too bad.  It caught a few people by surprise when they told us at athlete briefing.  When we started the workout it was about 32 degrees and that made it even harder to keep a hold of it. 
My plan was to go unbroken on 6 cleans and straight to the 3 shoulder to overhead.  I really didn't pace myself on this workout, I just went crazy. I knew this would be a good workout for some of the big guys. I wanted to be under 30 seconds for each round and I was able to do that. My time was 2:17 and I won by about 30 seconds on the next guy. 

Confession time.  The next 4 hours really were nerve racking. I had gotten myself a pretty good lead going into the final workout but I knew the final workout was going to be winner take all.  I found out a few weeks ago that I have a torn labrum. Pull-ups and most things feel fine but snatch and overhead squats aren't very good per se.  All I was thinking about was the final workout was going to have HSPU and squat snatch and I would have to try and fight my way through it.  At 12:50 they called us into the briefing and told us the final workout.  I was sitting there trying to keep calm. 
60 double unders (ok cool)
30 alternating DB snatches at 50 pounds (doable)
20 wall balls (sweet)
10 Burpee box jumps (sounds good)
After we finish that chipper we go straight into 
Thruster 75 pounds
Pull-ups (well this is about to be fun)

I was pretty pumped that the final workout had pull-ups. I told myself "I was going to go unbroken on a light Fran to win The Fittest Games" I have seen Brice go unbroken on Fran so many times and there was no way I was stopping with over 1000 people watching.  We were walking out to get started and people were everywhere and one of the guys said "I feel like I am going to throw up."  And I was thinking to myself that I am about to push myself so hard that I am going to throw up like my buddy Conor does after Fran, and that would be embarrassing.  I asked Brice what our game plan was and he said not to worry about that. He said he will be right there and I will just listen to him. 

3-2-1... Go

I messed up on about double under 3 and then finished unbroken after that.  I was a little behind and just went steady on the snatches. I caught up and three of us finished the wall balls at the same time and started the burpees. We all finished about the same time and all picked up the bars for Fran (this is exciting).  Brice said "this is where YOU win."  I was worried about the guy behind me and when I heard him get no repped and put the bar down I just went faster. I was the first one to the pull-up bar and was almost done with my 15 when the next guy got to bar. Did my 12/12 and knew I had it. My judge was getting excited and was saying "no one is close. You are going to win."  I finished the 9 thrusters and on my last pull-ups I decided to do a chest to bar just because I was excited.  I ran to the box and jumped on and won The Fittest Games. I gave Brice and Solange a high five, thumbs up to Chad and pointed to Mai up in the stands and finally relaxed. 

A few things. This was really my Regionals since the CrossFit Games doesn't have regionals for Masters. I knew it was going to be a very well run event, which it was.
For some lucky reason I had the same judge for 3 of the first 4 workouts and he was the perfect judge for me. He kept it fair and made me do good reps, but also was very supportive when I was going. when I saw he was out there on for the final event I just walked straight over there to him.  When we were going over the standards and movements he said "after you finish the last 9 pull-ups, you will go jump on this box and win The Fittest Games". 

It was awesome that we had so many Koda members come all the way down to Austin to watch us. It really meant a lot to us.  When I do these competitions I can just feel everyone back at home pulling for me and it feels like a team win. 

Fittest in OK in 5 days.

Muse out. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Fittest Games Day 1

Pretty good day one at "The Fittest Games" in Austin.  Weather was terrible. Winter storm in Austin. What what?  Dooner and Brice did a great job getting us to the venue in the icy conditions. 

The workouts really were pretty good for me on the first day. I am nursing a shoulder injury and all the movements I could do with no pain. 

I was super excited for the first workout. I. Love. Pull-ups. 
5 pull-ups and 5 front squats taken from ground
10 pull-ups and 4 front squats
15 pull-ups and 3 front squats
20 pull-ups and 2 front squats
25 pull-ups and 1 front squats

We could pick our front squat weight, up to 205 pounds and it always had to be taken from ground.  This workout was scored in two ways. Total weight moved and score on workout. I chose 205 so I would have automatic 1st place if I finished. In practice I squat cleaned every first rep but today I powered cleaned and front squated first rep. It was around 29 degrees when we started and I wasn't very warm. I wanted no missed cleans. 
I went unbroken butterfly on 5,10 and 15 sets. I broke up set of 20 into 15-5 and last set into a few sets. I squat cleaned the last rep and finished the workout at 3:52 which was 20 seconds faster than practice round at the workout. I won this first wod on time and weight and was feeling good after that start. 

Second WOD was one I was nervous about
30 burpees over paralette 
50 foot overhead lunge with 45 pound plate
300 foot overhead lunge
50 double unders
50 foot OVH lunge
300 foot shuttle run
30 burpees over paralette

In practice this workout killed me
I decided to go ahead and push the first set of burpees and was one of first to lunges. We all finished lunge at the first time and pretty much myself and 3 guys started the double unders at The same tine. Double unders are one of the best movements but I left my rope at home and had to borrow one. I messed up maybe 10 times and was going to have to do good to make up for that mistake. I tried to lunge fast and did shuttle and paced myself on first 20 burpees. With 10 left, about 3 of us were tied it felt like so I just forgot sucked it up and went crazy on the last 10. 
I finished with a time of 7:03. A guy in the first heat got 7:02 and I gt second over all. I was happy with this because I was just wanting to get top 5 on this workout. 

I was excited about the last WOD of the day.  
10 heavy rope single unders
5 toes to bar
10 heavy rope single unders
10 toes to bar
10 JR
15 T2B
So on and so on until 7 minutes is up. My hands felt good after pull-ups so I tried to go crazy on this. On the round of 20, it became tough and I did 4 sets of 5. There was a guy right next to me and we were rep for rep pretty much the whole workout. He ended up with 12 toes to bar in the round of 30 and I got 10 reps in round of 30. He ended up with 147 points and I got 145 and another second place finish. 

After day 1, I had a total of 6 points and 2 guys are at second place with 14 points. I am excited for first workout tomorrow and hopefully I will make the final workout which is the top 5 guys out of the 30 participants. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Major Bro Session

We got some heavy hitters together yesterday at 1:30 and did some work. 
We started with a really difficult 12 EMOM of:

Even minute: 2 full cleans with 5 second pause at the bottom at around 80%. I did 205 and failed one rep. 
Odd minute: 4 Muscle ups. 

I put everyone's name in a hat and picked teams and random. 
Ryan Doonkeen and Kameron Rosenau. 
Brice Collier and Jarrett Rice
Jared Muse and Kip McCarthy 
Drew Hymer and Eric Douglas

16 minute AMRAP of:
7 toes to bar
7 bar facing burpees 
7 deadlift (185)

Kip and I did everything unbroken and got 19 rounds plus 11 reps. 

We rested for a bit and did some more work. 

Not for time. 
5 rounds
5 elevated Ring Rows (2-2-2)
5 bench press
5 slam ball overhead through for hight 
1 partner banded sprint

I didn't do all five rounds and sort of skipped the ball toss. 

Very fun day working out with these guys and we all really pushed ourselves on the partner WOD

Recovery WOD tomorrow. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fittest in OK WOD #3

Had a little Brosesh today with Dooner, Falco and Drewby.  We found our one rep max hang full clean.  The little guys got 265 pounds and Drew got 345.  After that we did a 8 minute every 30 seconds workout of 1 Power clean at 225 for the kids and 300 for the Drew.

After that we did:
Kettlebell Swings (70)
Box Jump (30 Inch)

Shoulder is hurting when I do HSPU so I did 30-20-10 of ring pushups

Time was 7:19

After that I did Fittest in OK WOD #3
5  Minutes of
1 Deadlift at 185 (Fat Bar)
1 Burpee
1 Pullup
2 DL
1 Burpee
2 Pullups
3 DL
1 Burpee
3 Pullups
I got through 9 Rounds + 10 Deadlifts + 4 Pullups

I will clear 10 rounds on Game day.

Friday, January 3, 2014

CrossFit Athlete Class

I did the CrossFit Athlete class today at 5:00 (crossfit football). We did 5 sets of 5 front squats. I did 4 sets before we ran out of time. I did 215 pounds. 
The wod was 8 rounds of 
3 power cleans (185)
30 double unders

I broke once on the double unders and my time was 8:31. Ed beat me by 1 minute today. He was also keeping track of my rounds so I think he made me do an extra round. #realtalk #heisaknowncheater

Thursday, January 2, 2014

CrossFit Real Effort

I went to the noon class at CrossFit Real Effort today with my buddy Falco. Nice working out where nobody really knows you. (Which is hard for a crossfit celebrity like myself). 

The workout was a 14 minute EMOM of 7 pull-ups AND 7 burpees.  I started with 7 and it was taking about 22 seconds so after the 3rd minute Falco told me to move it up to 8 and 8. I did that till the final minute which I did 10 and 10. All pull-ups unbroken. 

After class Falco and I squatted and did some sleds. 
We did sets of 4 

After that we did 400 meter sled pull with our body weight

It was miserable as it took me 16:23 at 195 and Falco 14:25 at 185 pounds. 

Muse out.