The workouts really were pretty good for me on the first day. I am nursing a shoulder injury and all the movements I could do with no pain.
I was super excited for the first workout. I. Love. Pull-ups.
5 pull-ups and 5 front squats taken from ground
10 pull-ups and 4 front squats
15 pull-ups and 3 front squats
20 pull-ups and 2 front squats
25 pull-ups and 1 front squats
We could pick our front squat weight, up to 205 pounds and it always had to be taken from ground. This workout was scored in two ways. Total weight moved and score on workout. I chose 205 so I would have automatic 1st place if I finished. In practice I squat cleaned every first rep but today I powered cleaned and front squated first rep. It was around 29 degrees when we started and I wasn't very warm. I wanted no missed cleans.
I went unbroken butterfly on 5,10 and 15 sets. I broke up set of 20 into 15-5 and last set into a few sets. I squat cleaned the last rep and finished the workout at 3:52 which was 20 seconds faster than practice round at the workout. I won this first wod on time and weight and was feeling good after that start.
Second WOD was one I was nervous about
30 burpees over paralette
50 foot overhead lunge with 45 pound plate
300 foot overhead lunge
50 double unders
50 foot OVH lunge
300 foot shuttle run
30 burpees over paralette
In practice this workout killed me
I decided to go ahead and push the first set of burpees and was one of first to lunges. We all finished lunge at the first time and pretty much myself and 3 guys started the double unders at The same tine. Double unders are one of the best movements but I left my rope at home and had to borrow one. I messed up maybe 10 times and was going to have to do good to make up for that mistake. I tried to lunge fast and did shuttle and paced myself on first 20 burpees. With 10 left, about 3 of us were tied it felt like so I just forgot sucked it up and went crazy on the last 10.
I finished with a time of 7:03. A guy in the first heat got 7:02 and I gt second over all. I was happy with this because I was just wanting to get top 5 on this workout.
I was excited about the last WOD of the day.
10 heavy rope single unders
5 toes to bar
10 heavy rope single unders
10 toes to bar
10 JR
15 T2B
So on and so on until 7 minutes is up. My hands felt good after pull-ups so I tried to go crazy on this. On the round of 20, it became tough and I did 4 sets of 5. There was a guy right next to me and we were rep for rep pretty much the whole workout. He ended up with 12 toes to bar in the round of 30 and I got 10 reps in round of 30. He ended up with 147 points and I got 145 and another second place finish.
After day 1, I had a total of 6 points and 2 guys are at second place with 14 points. I am excited for first workout tomorrow and hopefully I will make the final workout which is the top 5 guys out of the 30 participants.
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