Sunday, February 23, 2025

One Month until my 100 Mile Race

 On March 22nd, I will be participating in the Prairie Spirit 100, a 100-mile race in Ottawa, Kansas. The course is completely flat and features a crushed granite surface, which is very easy on the joints. 

Yesterday, I completed a solid 50k, with half of the distance on that nice granite surface and the other half on sidewalks. My finishing pace was 14 minutes per mile, which aligns perfectly with my goal for the 100-mile race. If I maintain that pace, I would finish in about 23 hours and 20 minutes, which I would be very happy with! 

These self-supported ultras tend to take a little longer since I have to manage all my own aid stations, refilling water and supplies on my own. In organized races, you typically receive assistance with that, which is definitely a nice benefit.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Recovery and HYROX

Sunday the 25th,

I did some good recovery with 30 minutes of compression boots and 20 minutes in our little Sauna

Felt good for todays Fitness

4 miles easy on the Assault Runner

HYROX Workout today


Every Time you switch machines you do 10 Wall Ball Shots

Take easy on machines and go heavy on Wall Ball shots

I went up wall Ball weight every time I went up in distance (14/20/25/30)

Monday, February 10, 2025

Long weekend run and hyrox

 I challenged myself on Saturday with a long run after a long day.  I got up at 4:30 Saturday morning for our Cupid’s Revenge competition and started my Run that night a little after 9:00 PM.  I had some foot suites and had to stop a few times to put some Vaseline and change socks.  I wanted to get 20 but only got 17. I went to bed after 2 so I had a good hard day of ultra training without all the miles.   In a few weeks I will be up for well over 24 hours so this was good practice.  Today I did THE HYROX flush workout with the noon class and felt good after.  About to go do some stretching and structure work.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Day of Fitness

 I did the Hyrox workout at noon with some friends.  And a nice 10 mile run tonight.  Got some good night running in.  It was pretty foggy. Made it somber.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Good Day of Training

Started the day with some sauna and cold tub down at our Norman location.  I did this workout with the noon HYROX class than did some upper body bodybuilding with Taylor 

Monday, January 27, 2025


 I did today's HYROX workout with the new class at noon.  Needed this good flush. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

My Next Big Goal

 I have always wanted to do the Hardrock 100 which goes from Silverton through Lake City through Ouray and Telluride and ends back at Silverton, but it is an extremely hard race to get into. So I have decided to use my backpacking/fastpacking/ultrarunning skills and just do it on my own in the summer of 2026.  There are a lot of race videos and race reports for me to study and I have given myself over a year to achieve this goal.  I will use races to prepare me for my adventures instead of my adventures to prepare for races. I will do more self-supported fastpacking trips to prepare for this, so I won’t do as many actual races in the next year preparing for this.  I have felt like I had won the lottery and am very excited to start training for this big undertaking.  I will set a date in July of 2026 put it on my calendar and start getting ready for it.  I will bring my tent and sleep at night so I won’t have to worry about going through the night like a regular 100 mile race.  

I am going to keep track of my training for something like this in the blog.  We will see if I can get prepared for a lot of climbing and altitude in Oklahoma. This race has over 33,000 feet of elevation gain and goes over 14,000 feet on one mountain.  Which is fun because I have never done a 14er!!