We didn't find out the WODS until a few days before and once I saw them I felt pretty good about them all.
I really liked the first WOD. It was an overhead squat ladder for reps at a very reasonable weight for me.
AMRAP 7 min OHS ladder (1,2,3,4,5,…)
Bar starts on ground and first rep starts with bar in overhead position. The athlete will have three 2-minute rounds at 3 ascending weights. The barbell must start on ground for the beginning of each set of reps. The athlete will have 30 seconds to change the weight between rounds. If you are in the middle of a set when 2 minutes are up, you must finish that set with the next weight. So, after first 2 minutes if you have completed 5 reps of the 7th set, then after you change weights, you will finish the last 2 reps of 7th set once time resumes. Weights were 75-95-125.
When Brice and I practiced this WOD on monday we did a Squat snatch on the first rep every time, but when we found out the rules we had to power snatch the first rep. Even with that I did more reps on game day than the practice. (I shine like a diamond) I almost finished 9 rounds in the first 2 minutes. I changed the weight to 95# and finished my last 2 reps of the third round and got 10 straight on the tenth round. I was really trying to get as many as reps as I could at 95# so I did 6 straight on the 11th round. LEGS WERE BURNING. Had to move weight up to 125 and I really tried to get tight and go. I finished the round of 11 and started on 12. I didn't want to put the bar down so I just went nice and slow and got 12 straight. I rested for a bit and picked up the bar and got 6 more reps before the time was up. I got a headache about halfway through this wod and someone told me latter that I wasn't breathing. I told him "elite athletes like myself don't need oxygen" but I think I should work on my breathing during wods like that, if I am to become the best exerciser in the world. I ended up 2nd on this workout with 84 reps, Nathan Miller from CrossFit Exile got 85 reps.
I really put it all out on that wod so I just wanted to maintain on the next two workouts that day.
The best thing about having so many people from Koda at the event was that we never got bored between workouts. We had someone in every heat it seemed like so we would workout, sit down for a bit, grab a post workout drink and than go back and cheer for someone else. We had a ton of PR's on the first team workout which was Snatch and Clean and Jerk total. BACK TO ME!!!
WOD number 2 was a three part tabata workout
Tabata row (for calories)
Tabata jump rope (single unders)
Tabata thrusters (all divisions 45# / 33#)
Athlete will complete 8 rounds of each movement, and the lowest score recorded is your score for that event. All three tabata rounds will be recorded as separate events, so you will be ranked separately for each.
When I first saw this workout I was pissed that it was single unders, man was I happy when I got off the rower that it was single unders. Not much to say about this wod, I got 8 calories, 40 single unders and 9 thrusters which put me tied for 10th with Ryan Bittle. After 2 WODS I was sitting in 3rd.
WOD number 3 was a KettleBell massacre.
9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30-Max Effort
Each minute athlete must complete reps for that round. So minute 1, athlete completes 9 swings, minute 2 12 swings, and so on. Once you cannot complete required reps in the 60 seconds, you are done. If an athlete makes it all the way through the round of 30 reps, the next round will be max reps. The score is total reps completed with 55 pound bell.
I can usually zone out when I do KB swings and keep going so I wasn't worried about this event so much. This turned out to be my worst placing (15th), I even let Ryan Doonkeen beat me. Ryan went ahead of me and finished the 30 reps and like 20ish on max effort round. After seeing that I just knew that I would finish it as well. WRONG!!! I finished the round of 27 and was spent. I only got 20 reps in the round of 30 and was DONE. Grip was smoked. After doing that wod I really appreciated with what Ryan did. He ended up in 1st place on this wod and 2nd after the end of day 1.
So I was in 4th place after the 1st day with a very good workout waiting for me in the morning. I was very tired and drained. I didn't really feel like eating anything and was not physically prepared for another day, but I gave it a shot........