Breakfast at 8:00 AM
3 eggs over medium and 4 pieces of toast. They might have had peanut butter and jelly on them.
Taught 9:15 class
At 11:00 Falco and I did some lifting. He did some box squats and I found my one rep max power snatch and high bar back squat.
I got 190 on power snatch which was a 5lb PR that has been with me for 10 months. I weigh 180lbs right now so it was nice to finally hit that. 15lb PR for my high bar back squat at 330lbs. Falco did like 380 on the safety bar back squat which is pretty good.
I taught the noon class and did the strength with them.
5 sets of 4 reps of front squats at 185. The timing scheme was 1,1, X, 2. 1 second down, 1 second hold, explode and 2 seconds at top. Worked on my breathing and tried to stay fast the whole time.
Went to whole foods and had a wrap with double meat and carrots and lettuce.
At 4:00, Jason and I practice WOD 1 for this weekends CrossFit Team Series. We put together a masters team of Amy Jordan (from CrossFit Native), Natasha Bennett, Jason Sumner and I. We were 1st and 2nd on the podium at The Red Dirt Classic.
12 minute Amrap of alternating rounds of 30 double unders and 65lb ground to overhead. Jason and I finished 11 rounds and 26 double unders. We hope to finish 12 rounds this weekend.
I drank some chocolate milk with protien powder and taught 4:30 and 6:00.
After I finished the 6:00 pm class I went to Arobb's movement's class and did "Baseline" with them
500 meter row
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups
About 8:00 PM, Mai and I went to Saturn Grill and I had a Salmon Caesar Salad.
A good day of training and coaching.

Here is a pic of Jason at last weekends comp.