I am using this Blog to document my Running and Adventures. This will be document my workouts and what I am doing to get better and be prepared. I hope this helps and entertains you.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Lurong WOD 7
Battle over the Redlands start Saturday so I wanted to get the Lurong WOD done today so I can work on stuff tomorrow.
The workout was pretty good practice for this weekend so it was a good tough wod to do on the final week.
Reps of 3,5,7,9,11 of
Front Squats (95)
Push Press (95)
100 meter farmers carry (53 lbs in each hand) 10 meters at a time.
After you finish the round of 11 you get to do 13 Burpee Muscle ups. Time was 15:26. No missed muscle ups which is nice.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Race for the Cure and Open Gym Workout
So a few of us went down and ran the Race for the Cure 5K Sunday morning. It was a new route this year and it was very fun run. I tried to run with Ed but he seriously carb loaded the night before and I couldn't keep up with him (he drank all night). My time was 24:32 which is pretty good since by diet has gone down hill this last week.
20 walking lunges (with overhead plate 45lbs)
200 meter run
3 hang power cleans (205lbs)
I got 4 rounds and 16 lunges.
We got our workouts for Battle over the Redlands. I will post them this week.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 4
I wanted to wait to right about this final wod till the final results were Official. Drumroll.... Brice won the Pro Division ($500 and entry fee) Dooner came in 8th in amateur (automatic entry) and I won Masters 40-49 (prize package and entry fee). The actual competition isn't till next January so we have some work to do to get ready (especially Dooner 8th place come on).
The final WOD was a perfect mix of my strengths and weaknesses.
4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 OVHS 95lbs
If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part
4 minutes to complete the following
4 rounds
10 pull-ups
10 front squats 135lbs
If you complete those four rounds, you get to go to the next part
4 minutes to do as many rounds of
10 pull-ups
10 back squats 185lbs
I felt good about the first 4 minutes. I finished the 4 rounds in a bit over 3 minutes. I knew I would need that extra time to get through the front squats. I finished the last front squat with about 20 seconds to spare. I really don't need to comment about the last four minutes. My body just sort of said "no mas". I was able to do all 9 sets of 10 pull-ups unbroken but squats took their toll. Watch the last 4 minutes for a good laugh and you can see Brice laughing as well.
Lottery WOD 4
Lottery WOD 4
Muse Out.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 3
I was very nervous about this workout. Shoulder 2 Overhead has always been one of my worst movements for some reason.
The workout was:
3 Rounds of
15 Toes to Bar
15 shoulder to overhead (115#)
15 over the bar Burpees
I was wanting to be under 7:00 minutes on this workout and my time was 6:30.
I knew I would need to do the toes to bar unbroken to have a chance at a good time, and I was able to do that. I went unbroken for the first two rounds and broke up the last set into 8&7. I split jerked the last 7 reps just so I could keep going and not put the bar down.
I was very pleased with my time because I think I ate too much for lunch and was feeling very sluggish.
Brice did this same workout in 4:21. So I have that going for me.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 1 and other stuff
I did my second lottery wod Saturday. My time was 9:45 and it left me in 3rd place with 2 more wods to go.
The wod was as follows.
30 wall balls
30 power cleans (95#)
30 wall balls
20 power cleans (135#)
30 wall balls
10 power cleans (185#)
First set of cleans I did in sets of 20 and 10
Second set if cleans I did in 5 sets of 4 reps.
Last set I did in singles. I missed my 9th rep and that cost me some time.
3rd and 4th wods come out Tuesday night.
Here is a good waste of 10 minutes. Last set of cleans are hard to watch.
Here is a good waste of 10 minutes. Last set of cleans are hard to watch.
Sunday I did the Lurong Paleo Challenge wod 4. It was a pretty fun workout that consisted of 50 thruster (95#) and 50 toes 2 bar. My time was 6:25.
After that we went to run a 5K at Red Coyote. I ran right at 25 minutes. Not awful. I beat Arobb by a minute.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fittest Games Lottery WOD 2
So a few of us at Koda are trying to qualify for The Fittest Games in Austin. The actual competition is in January, but they are having an online qualifier to secure a spot. This is one of the biggest competitions in the South and sells out very fast every year.
I decided to the the 2nd wod first and here it is.
10 minute time cap. Score is total reps.
50 double unders
50 Kettlebell swings (53 pounds overhead)
40 double unders
40 Kettlebell swings
30 DU
30 KBS
20 DU
20 KBS
10 DU
10 KBS
If you finish before 10 minutes; you use remaining time to get max reps of Muscle ups.
I did all the rounds of double unders unbroken but not so much the KBS. After the first set (31,10,9); I pretty much tried to break up the rest of the sets into around 10 reps at a time. My forearms and hands were the only thing that started hurting and boy did they start hurting. I finished the last KBS at about the 9:15 so that gave me about 45 seconds to do muscle ups. I got 5 muscle ups and I got a total score of 305.
I am in the masters division of this comp and if you have 12 minutes to kill watch this video. The real fun starts at the end.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tough Day
I decided to give myself a tough day almost like a competition day, so I did all of the above.
I did the regular crossfit wod with the noon class.
I worked up to 185 pounds on the bench press and used 135 pounds for the sled pulls. The ten sled pulls got really hard.
I did the comp wod with 3 reps at 135 pounds on tempo front squats and temps snatch deadlifts.
7 sets of 3 on the shoulder press at 115 pounds.
I did the wod rxd and finished with a time of 10:13. For some reason I thought the wod was with power cleans but it was squat cleans and it killed me after those tempo front squats.
Trying to qualify for The Fittest games in Austin the next couple of weeks. I will let you know.
Muse out.
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