Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Close grip bench press

Last day to workout before Red Dirt this weekend. I plan on taking Wednesday (Massage), Thursday (StretchU) and Friday off. 

I worked out with the noon class today and we had 4 "gingers" working out in one class. So much gingerstrength in one building was amazing to watch. 

We are in the middle of a testing cycle right now and today we found our 1 rep max close grip bench press, and after that we did max reps at 85% of what we just did. 

I benched 255 and got my 85% 4 times. 
1060 meter run
60 push-ups
80 sit-ups
100 squats
1060 meter run

In the afternoon with Bittle:
On the minute for 10 minutes
2 reps of back squat at 185 with chains. 
Worked on exploding. 

3 sets of 3 of 185 front squats (no chains)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Snatch PR

Finally got my bodyweight on my snatch and I got it twice.  We did the OKC Comp Series yesterday at CrossFitOKC and on the snatch ladder, Philip and I both got 185 pounds 2 times.  Not bad for a couple of gingers.

We took it easy on toes to bar and pistol wod. 

Final wod was a 400 meter run for me, I tag him and he rows 500 meters. Nobody was timing me but I am pretty sure my time was around 42 seconds. I might be the fastest kid alive.  we got 4th place overall on that WOD.

CrossFitOKC won the hammer again. Nice all around job by their gym. 

Today I did "Jackie" with the noon class
1000 meter row
50 thrusters with 45# bar
30 pull-ups

I did this 6 weeks ago and had a time of 6:59. Today I got 6:56. 
Rowed at about a 1:55 pace and did 2 sets on the trusters (35 and 15) and unbroken pull-ups. I need to start rowing harder.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

CrossFit Endurance

I decided to do the Endurance class today. Blah

We started with an eight minute EMOM of 2 touch and go full cleans. I used 185 pounds until last round and I used 225 pounds. 

1060 meter Run
100 Push Ups
75 Sit Ups
50 KBS
25 Air Squats
1060 meter Run

I did the first run in just under 5 minutes and the 100 Push Ups in about 5:15. The rest was just a blur. 

I have been going to "Stretch U" to get some stretching done on my shoulders and legs. Brice and I are going to try his out for awhile and see if it helps. It has so far. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Partner Cindy and 3 Rep Shoulder Press

I caddied for my buddy Trent and OKC Golf and County Club Monday morning.  We lost on the 19th hole of the first round of the State Amateur.  Was a really nice morning being on the golf course even though we didn't play very well.

I worked out with the 4:30 class Monday and we found our 3 Rep Max Shoulder Press.  I got 155, 157 and I ended up getting 165 pounds.

"Partner Cindy"
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
While your partner is doing Cindy you are running 200 Meters, and we start up wherever the other one leaves off in the round.  I went with Mai and we got 23 Rounds.  She is a really fast squatter, so we had one of the best totals for the day.  Eat it Chan and Charles.

Here is a Fun pic from ACO in Dallas from 2010

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Golf and Red Dirt WOD 1

I played alright in my little 4 person scramble tournament at SilverHorn. We tied for 1st with at 11 under and lost in a scorecard playoff.  2nd place was a gift certificate to Omaha Steaks and I won a new grill in the raffle. Pretty sweet deal. Thanks Joe. 

At open gym on Sunday we did Red Dirt WOD 1 and the floater WOD. 1st wod is 8 minute Power Clean and Front Squat AMRAP. 1 Power Clean and 1 Front Squat, 1PC and 2FS, 1PC and 3FS.....
I got 12 rounds and 5 front squats on the 13th round. That is 3 reps better. 

Floater WOD: 
3 minutes to row 500 meters and Back Squat 185 as many times as possible. I rowed nice and smooth and had 1 minute to squat. I got 26 reps which was 1 rep better. 

Less than 2 weeks till RED DIRT. Feeling good. 

Throw Back picture from a few years ago with Falco. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

3 rep max clean PR

Found my 3 rep max full clean today with the noon class. 
I got 245 for 3 and feel pretty good about. 

Workout today was a fun workout with one hand Kettlebell where you change hands in mid air. Fun wod. 

I hit some balls the other day at the range  to get ready for a scramble this weekend. Not feeling very confident in my short game. I feel good about my irons though. 

Monday, July 15, 2013


I haven't posted in a bit so back at it. 
I did do the floater wod from red dirt last week.
3 minutes to row 500 meters and do max reps of 185 pound back squat. I rowed 1:50 and took 10 seconds to get to bar to squat. In one minute I got 25 reps. I did this fresh so we will see how it goes at the comp. 

Today I worked up to a heavy set of 5 reps of high bar back squat. 
I did 275. I think I could have maybe gotten 285 or 290 max but I wanted to save myself for the WOD

100 reps of thrusters at 135 pounds. 
Every minute you must do 5 burpees. 
I did 115 pounds and it took me 24:46

A real leg burner, I will see how I feel tomorrow when I wake up. 

Fun working out with Brice, Falco, Tucker and Doonkeen. PR for Falco. Good job guys. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DeadLift 1 Rep Max and Flying Annie

I tried to Find a new 1 Rep Max Deadlift today.  Felt good up to 365 and then 405 (old PR) felt heavy. I tried 425 and my knees buckled in and I missed it.  Drew decided to show me how to lift 425, of course without warming up AT ALL (JERK).  I barely got 425 off the ground the second time and gave up after that.

6 sets of 3 reps touch and go Power Cleans at 75% plus

I did most of my sets at 200 and did last set at 225

Flying Annie
5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-Ups
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-Ups

I did all the Muscle Ups unbroken but they got hard after sit-ups for sure

Drew - 8:48
Me - 8:50
Jarred - 11:43

Jarred did a lot better on his power cleans today.  Proud of him.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weight Lifting Total

I did my own Weightlifting event today. 
3 attempts at a Snatch and a Clean & Jerk

I tried to be by the books with my lock outs and time between lifts

165 (good lift) powered it
180 (good lift) powered it
185 (missed it) caught it high, infront 

Clean & Jerk
240 (missed it) power clean didn't lock out arms
247 (good lift) PR. Power clean 
255 (missed it) full clean and missed jerk

I felt good on the clean so went for a new PR. 
I squat cleaned 275 pounds. Never thought I would ever get this goal to be honest. 

Good day. 

Chad Vaughn came by the other day and did a little workout. 

Google him if you don't know who he is. It was fun to watch him lift. He weighs 170 pounds and I watched him snatch 300 pounds. Crazy stuff. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Front Squat PR

Started the Day with a 400 Meter Time Trial.
1. Ryan DoonKeen
2. Drew Hymer
3. Wade Bittle
4. Jared Muse 1:05

We found our 1 Rep Max Front squat next
285 pounds (20 pound PR)

EMOM starting with 135 pounds and we go up 10 pounds every minute until failure
Squat clean with 10 second HOLD at the bottom and stand up.
Last time I did this I got to 235 and held it for 3 seconds.
This time I got 235 for 10 seconds but couldn't stand up.

5 rounds
3 Power Cleans at 75% (200 pounds)
10 Burpees


Going to Run the Dam at Lake Hefner this afternoon.

Good Times today with Jarred, Wade, Drew, Bittle, DoonKeen and ManKind