One rep max front squat
Stopped at 295 (1 rep is 315)
150 wallballs
90 double unders
30 muscleups
I finished the wallballs in 6:54 had a game plan and didn't rest more than 10 seconds and I usually just rested 5 seconds. The double unders took longer than I wanted but that was ok. I still had over 3 minutes to do muscleups. In 2012 and 2013 open I got 15 muscleups and this time I got 17 muscleups. I felt alright about that. I would like this to show up again in 2015 open.
I found my one rep max front squat again but this time with a 5 second hold at the bottom. I got 275.
1000 meter row
50 thrusters (45 pound bar)
30 pull-ups.
I had a game plan to finish under 6 minutes but didn't quite make it. I rowed at a 1:50 pace and finished the row at 3:41. I got right into my thrusters and did them unbroken but I just did them too slow I guess. Pull-ups were fast and unbroken but couldn't make up for my slow thrusters.
I did an emom of snatch and at the end I hit two reps at 185 which is good for me at the end of a emom and tough strength and Jackie.
Good day.